Student Wellness Calendar
First 100 matches found
A support group for LGBTQ+ older adults.
Enjoy holiday lights for FREE every Thursday – Sunday, starting November 29, 2024 – January 5, 2025, from 5-9p at Prairie Farm. This will be an accessible experience featuring festive light displays throughout the farm.
Let's Talk is a program offered by our embedded counselors. It is not a counseling appointment but a casual conversation about Counseling Center services available to you. Conversations with Let’s Talk counselors are private, informal consultations. Let's Talk appointments are 15 minutes long, and there is no fee.
Join us for free tutoring sessions for adults who are learning English or want to improve their reading and math skills!
A support group for LGBTQ+ and questioning 10-13 year olds.
A support group for LGBTQ+ and questioning teens ages 13-18.
Let's Talk is a program offered by our embedded counselors. It is not a counseling appointment but a casual conversation about Counseling Center services available to you. Conversations with Let’s Talk counselors are private, informal consultations. Let's Talk appointments are 15 minutes long, and there is no fee.
RIO teaches students techniques for recognizing and moving past situations that cause stress, frustration, and anxiety. RIO can provide skills to help you: Manage and reduce anxiety Adapt to new challenges Understand your thoughts and feelings, WITHOUT judgment or shame Move beyond feeling “stuck” Take the initiative to step out of your comfort zone
Feeling Overwhelmed and Looking to Get “Unstuck?” Attend Recognition, Insight, and Openness (RIO)!
The Counseling Center will be handing out free self-care packs while supplies last!
Survivor Strategies is a space for survivors to build community and support in their healing process. Experiences of harm take from us. Together we will talk about what it looks like to reclaim you, your joy, your experiences, and your passions.
Let's Talk is a program offered by our embedded counselors. It is not a counseling appointment but a casual conversation about Counseling Center services available to you. Conversations with Let’s Talk counselors are private, informal consultations. Let's Talk appointments are 15 minutes long, and there is no fee.
Join us for free tutoring sessions for adults who are learning English or want to improve their reading and math skills!
Join us for our weekly do-it-yourself activity for kids!
Monthly drop-in crafts for adults. FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH! at The Urbana Free Library 6-7pm
Let's Talk is a program offered by our embedded counselors. It is not a counseling appointment but a casual conversation about Counseling Center services available to you. Conversations with Let’s Talk counselors are private, informal consultations. Let's Talk appointments are 15 minutes long, and there is no fee.
Have you heard about the ADA Title II update, or do you want to know more about digital accessibility requirements for Higher Education? Join Keith Hays, campus ADA IT Coordinator, for a presentation on the legal requirements and best practices for public universities.
Enjoy holiday lights for FREE every Thursday – Sunday, starting November 29, 2024 – January 5, 2025, from 5-9p at Prairie Farm. This will be an accessible experience featuring festive light displays throughout the farm.
MIC is a safe space where you can share your experiences, concerns and questions while evaluating your cannabis habits, and learning strategies for low-risk use.
Join us for Family Fun Night: a weekly evening for games, crafts, STEAM activities, and more!
Join us for a food tasting and wellness lesson!
Let's Talk is a program offered by our embedded counselors. It is not a counseling appointment but a casual conversation about Counseling Center services available to you. Conversations with Let’s Talk counselors are private, informal consultations. Let's Talk appointments are 15 minutes long, and there is no fee.
Join us for free tutoring sessions for adults who are learning English or want to improve their reading and math skills!
Bring your lunch (or purchase a box lunch) and join us for Bach's Lunch Concert where performers of all styles and types will play at our historic venue on select Fridays!
Discover the secrets to turning simple ingredients such as flour, water, and salt into delicious, crusty sourdough bread using wild yeasts and bacteria in this two-part webinar series presented by University of Illinois Extension.
The Counseling Center will be handing out free self-care packs while supplies last!
Spend the afternoon crafting connections with the WRC every first Friday of the month. December's craft: decorating picture frames!
Enjoy holiday lights for FREE every Thursday – Sunday, starting November 29, 2024 – January 5, 2025, from 5-9p at Prairie Farm. This will be an accessible experience featuring festive light displays throughout the farm.
Enjoy holiday lights for FREE every Thursday – Sunday, starting November 29, 2024 – January 5, 2025, from 5-9p at Prairie Farm. This will be an accessible experience featuring festive light displays throughout the farm.
Watch the classic 1966 television short, Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas and enjoy the magic of the season with pictures with Santa, hot chocolate, and trolley rides through Downtown Champaign.
A support group for LGBTQ+ older adults.
Enjoy holiday lights for FREE every Thursday – Sunday, starting November 29, 2024 – January 5, 2025, from 5-9p at Prairie Farm. This will be an accessible experience featuring festive light displays throughout the farm.
Let's Talk is a program offered by our embedded counselors. It is not a counseling appointment but a casual conversation about Counseling Center services available to you. Conversations with Let’s Talk counselors are private, informal consultations. Let's Talk appointments are 15 minutes long, and there is no fee.
Join us for free tutoring sessions for adults who are learning English or want to improve their reading and math skills!
A support group for LGBTQ+ and questioning 10-13 year olds.
A support group for LGBTQ+ and questioning teens ages 13-18.
Let's Talk is a program offered by our embedded counselors. It is not a counseling appointment but a casual conversation about Counseling Center services available to you. Conversations with Let’s Talk counselors are private, informal consultations. Let's Talk appointments are 15 minutes long, and there is no fee.