School of Information Sciences Undergrad MASTER CALENDAR

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The iSchool offers a number of events related to career and professional development, technology and information talks, research seminars, field trips, alumni panels, socials, and more. We also promote relevant opportunities on and around campus. 

We encourage students to also visit additional calendars and websites:

HandShake EventsResearch ParkNCSATechnology Entrepreneur Center (TEC),

The Career Center, Office of Undergraduate Research, Leadership Center, Siebel Center for Design,

Office of Technology Management, Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning,

Applied Technologies for Learning in the Arts & Sciences.

National & International Scholar's Programs, Student Wellness

iSchool Calendars: Study Abroad Hours, iSchool Events, Non-iSchool Events

BSIS ICT Sessions, Express Advising

ONLINE Fulbright Scholarship ETA Workshop

Event Type
National and International Scholarships Program
wifi event
Apr 23, 2024   8:30 - 9:30 am  
Caitlin Wilson
Originating Calendar
Scholarship Events and Deadlines

Every year, Illinois students from multiple colleges receive Fulbright grants to serve as English Teaching Assistants (ETA) in many different countries. Join us for a workshop that looks in depth at some commonalities to putting together a winning ETA application to help you best portray the characteristics Fulbright is seeking. We plan to have some recent Fulbright grantees on hand to share their application methods. Our goal is for you to leave the session with an outline and even a few sentences to start your statement of purpose essay for the Fulbright ETA application.

You need not know your desired destination to benefit from this workshop. The session is targeted to undergraduates, recent alumni, and graduate students interested in pursuing a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in 2025-2026.

The Fulbright priority deadline is June 24 and the campus deadline is August 26, 2024.

Register for the Workshop HERE.

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