School of Information Sciences Undergrad MASTER CALENDAR

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The iSchool offers a number of events related to career and professional development, technology and information talks, research seminars, field trips, alumni panels, socials, and more. We also promote relevant opportunities on and around campus. 

We encourage students to also visit additional calendars and websites:

HandShake EventsResearch ParkNCSATechnology Entrepreneur Center (TEC),

The Career Center, Office of Undergraduate Research, Leadership Center, Siebel Center for Design,

Office of Technology Management, Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning,

Applied Technologies for Learning in the Arts & Sciences.

National & International Scholar's Programs, Student Wellness

iSchool Calendars: Study Abroad Hours, iSchool Events, Non-iSchool Events

BSIS ICT Sessions, Express Advising

Fulbright Scholarship Information Session

Event Type
National and International Scholarships Program
1002 Lincoln Hall
Apr 13, 2023   3:30 - 5:00 pm  
David Schug and Nicole Nowbahar
David Schug
Originating Calendar
Scholarship Events and Deadlines

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards approximately 2,200 full scholarships annually to students for studies, research, or English teaching in any of 140 countries worldwide. The National and International Scholarships Program will provide a comprehensive overview of the grant, including: eligibility, grant types, and application advice. There will also be plenty of time for questions and answers.

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards approximately 2,200 full scholarships annually to students for studies, research, or English teaching in any of 140 countries worldwide. The National and International Scholarships Program will provide a comprehensive overview of the grant.

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