Department of Mathematics - Master Calendar
46 matches found
This is our working group seminar in quantum theory where we discuss current work, or papers of interest. Contact either Roy Araiza or Felix Leditzky {raraiza,leditzky} if you would like to be added to the email list.
Speaker: Chantal David (Concordia University) Title: Moment of cubic L-functions over F_q(t) at s=1/3
Sam Spiro (Rutgers) - Sidorenko Hypergraphs and Random Turan Numbers
Probability Reading seminar on Large Deviation Theory for Graduate Students.
This is our working group seminar in quantum theory where we discuss current work, or papers of interest. Contact either Roy Araiza or Felix Leditzky {raraiza,leditzky} if you would like to be added to the email list.
Speaker: Kevin Ford Title: Toward a theory of prime detecting sieves
Speaker: Timur Akhunov (Wabash College). Title: How much degeneracy causes non-smooth solutions for elliptic equations?
Speaker: Peter Bradshaw (UIUC) Title: List-avoiding orientations
Probability Reading seminar on Large Deviation Theory for Graduate Students.
This is our working group seminar in quantum theory where we discuss current work, or papers of interest. Contact either Roy Araiza or Felix Leditzky {raraiza,leditzky} if you would like to be added to the email list.
Speaker: Shizhang Li (IAS and CAS) Title: On Cohomology of BG
Speaker: Blake Barker (Brigham Young University). Title: Stability of sharp fronts: computer assisted methods of proof
Title: Leaping Rigid Chess Pieces Speaker: Ethan White (UIUC)
Speaker: Panki Kim (Seol National University), Title: Markov processes with jump kernels decaying at the boundary.
Vladimir Troitsky (University of Alberta), Representing orthomorphisms as multiplication operators
Speaker: Alexandria Volkening (Purdue University) Title: Modeling and quantifying cell behavior in biological pattern formation
Probability Reading seminar on Large Deviation Theory for Graduate Students.
Speaker: Sylvester Zhang (University of Minnesota); Title: Schubert Calculus and the Boson-Fermion Correspondence
This is our working group seminar in quantum theory where we discuss current work, or papers of interest. Contact either Roy Araiza or Felix Leditzky {raraiza,leditzky} if you would like to be added to the email list.
Speaker: Alexander Dunn (Georgia Institute of Technology) Title: Quartic Gauss sums over primes and metaplectic theta functions
Speaker: Xuefeng Liu (Tokyo Woman's Christian University). Title: Rigorous Evaluation of the Hadamard Derivative for Shape Optimization Studies
Speaker: Jaehoon Kim (KAIST) Title: Optimal bounds on the polynomial Schur’s theorem