NCSA staff who would like to submit an item for the calendar can email
Speaker: "Simulatability and Testability of Quantum States through an Algebraic Lens", Dr. Mehrdad Tahmasbi, Future Faculty Fellow and Postdoctoral researcher, Computer Science, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Speaker: Will Huie, Covey Group
This Seminar covers topics on building and training ML models, ranging from beginner to complex, deep learning models trained on the Delta Supercomputer's multi-GPU nodes. This seminar is open to all, including graduate students, undergrads, and particularly domain scientists whose primary affiliation is not with a STEM program or department.
Speaker: Joel I Wang, Research Scientist, Engineering Quantum Systems Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Speaker: "Quantum control and error mitigation from geometric space curves", Ed Barnes, Professor of Physics and Moore Faculty Fellow, Virginia Tech.
Speaker: Rajesh, Clark/Draper Group
Speaker: Angel Rubio, Research Scientist and Co-Director of Initiative for Computational Catalysis Flatiron Institute
Speaker: Lintao Li, Covey Group
Speaker: Dr. Peter Melchior
Speaker: Richard Averitt, Professor, University of California, San Diego
Speaker: Priyash Barya, Goldschmidt Group/Electrical and Computer Engineering
Speaker: Keji Lai, University of Texas at Austin
Speaker: Samantha Isaac, Kwiat Group
Speaker: Bill Fefferman, Assistant Professor, University of Chicago
Speaker: Xiaochuan (David) Ding, Clark Group
Speaker: Dr. Peter Nugent
Speaker: Javad Shabani, Associate Professor of Physics and Director of the Center of Quantum Information Physics, New York University
Speaker: Randy Owen, Kou Group
Speaker: Dr. Jordon Mirocha
Speaker: Sara Mouradian, Assistant Professor, University of Washinton
Speaker: Ashwith Prabhu, Goldshmidt Group
Speaker: Alexandre Bourassa, Senior Research Scientist, Google Quantum AI
Speaker: Srinivasan Arunachalam, Senior Research Scientist, IBM