Carle Illinois College of Medicine All Events
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Illinois undergrads of all majors are invited! Review the project descriptions and the scholar's role within each project to find projects that most appeal to you and best match your strengths and background. Apply by Feb. 6 at 11:59 p.m.
This session will cover the review and scoring criteria for NIH proposals and the intricacies of the NIH peer review process. Participants will learn how to tailor their proposal to fit the NIH criteria.
In this session, participants will learn how to develop the Specific Aims section of their NIH proposal.
Join us for a presentation on the national health equity funding landscape from Lewis-Burke Associates, network with colleagues from across campus, brainstorm about opportunities for collaboration, and develop priorities for health equity research efforts on, and advise on how such research can be promoted and supported on campus.
This session will focus on developing the research strategy, including tips for writing the narrative and addressing rigor and transparency. This session will also start to discuss some of the sections outside the research plan, such as the abstract and project narrative.
This session will cover the remaining sections outside of the research plan such as the biosketches, human subjects, care and use of animals, data sharing plan, subawards, letters of support, facilities and resources, and the budget and budget justification.
This event will help community-engaged researchers understand common scenarios, challenges, and considerations that arise when working with the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for community-engaged research. Registrants are encouraged to submit questions and issues they have experienced to help guide the conversation.
Join the Cancer Center at Illinois CMD Program and Robotics & Interoperative Assessment Working Group in an afternoon workshop on Image-Guided Cancer Surgery, Robotics and Machine Learning on Wednesday, February 28 from 12:00 p.m. - 2:40 p.m. in room 3015 ECEB. A pizza lunch will be provided.