Cultural & International
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Celebrates the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting. It is common practice to give zakat (charity) on this day or during the month of Ramadan, and to attend a prayer in the morning, followed by celebration and food with friends and family. Muslim students or employees observing Eid al-Fitr may request schedule adjustments in order to observe.
Topics to be covered include information about the Beinecke, Churchill, Fulbright, Gates Cambridge, Goldwater, Knight-Hennessy, Luce Scholars, Marshall, Mitchell, Rhodes, Schwarzman, Truman, and Udall programs and how you may prepare for these opportunities.
Мы будем говорить только по-русски! Conversation in Russian, beginners welcome!
Topics to be covered include information about the Beinecke, Churchill, Fulbright, Gates Cambridge, Goldwater, Knight-Hennessy, Luce Scholars, Marshall, Mitchell, Rhodes, Schwarzman, Truman, and Udall programs and how you may prepare for these opportunities.
Chado, or the Way of Tea, is one of the most ancient and revered arts of Japan and is at the very heart of Japan House. It is a ceremonial way of preparing and serving matcha (powdered green tea) that benefits both the host and the guest through mutual respect, non-verbal communication, and a calmness, or sense of peace, away from everyday life.
Explore stories of cultural self-determination in societies around the world. Dr. Christina Gonzalez, co-curator of Caribbean Indigenous Resistance / Resistencia Indígena del Caribe ¡Taino Vive!, will lead tours of the exhibit, and staff will share some of the museum's collections related to resistance and cultural identity in the face of oppression.
Topics to be covered include information about the Beinecke, Churchill, Fulbright, Gates Cambridge, Goldwater, Knight-Hennessy, Luce Scholars, Marshall, Mitchell, Rhodes, Schwarzman, Truman, and Udall programs and how you may prepare for these opportunities.
Topics to be covered include information about the Beinecke, Churchill, Fulbright, Gates Cambridge, Goldwater, Knight-Hennessy, Luce Scholars, Marshall, Mitchell, Rhodes, Schwarzman, Truman, and Udall programs and how you may prepare for these opportunities.
We are delighted to showcase the work of some of our most productive and creative faculty in this informal series of intellectually and spiritually invigorating presentations. You are invited to drop in when you can to learn about the exciting projects undertaken by our faculty.
Topics to be covered include information about the Beinecke, Churchill, Fulbright, Gates Cambridge, Goldwater, Knight-Hennessy, Luce Scholars, Marshall, Mitchell, Rhodes, Schwarzman, Truman, and Udall programs and how you may prepare for these opportunities.
In this conversation, Dr. Wayne Pitard and Dr. Sundiata Keita Cha-Jua discuss Pitard's new book on John J. Bird, a significant civil rights leader in 19th century Illinois. A reception will follow.
Chado, or the Way of Tea, is one of the most ancient and revered arts of Japan and is at the very heart of Japan House. It is a ceremonial way of preparing and serving matcha (powdered green tea) that benefits both the host and the guest through mutual respect, non-verbal communication, and a calmness, or sense of peace, away from everyday life.
The book explores how the centrality of sonic practices and experiences within Islamic traditions stems largely from the orality of the Qur’an and the importance of recitation, while arguing that sound can provide a productive point of entry to human cultures in general.
The Department of Asian American Studies welcomes Dr. Nayan Shah, Professor of American Studies & Ethnicity and History at the University of Southern California to present his talk "Mutual Aid and Resisting Carceral Power: Asian American Strategies".
Join the WRC for the launch of our newest workshop, STEM Women. This workshop highlights the incredible history and future of women in STEM and provides strategies for lifting up our peers and creating safe spaces to develop emotional and professional skills for students of all genders. Free lunch for the first 15 attendees!
The Feast of Unleavened Bread. Celebrates the Jews being freed from slavery in Egypt and making the exodus from Egypt to the holy land of Israel. Begins at sundown of the first day and ends at sundown of the last day. Work is often prohibited the first two days and the last two days. Some students or employees may request schedule adjustments in order to observe.
The Sikh New Year festival is one of the most important dates in the Sikh calendar. It marks the start of the Punjabi New Year, but it is also a day to celebrate the birth of the Khalsa. This holiday symbolizes standing up to oppression, and fighting for the rights of all. It occurs during the traditional harvest festival in Punjab.
Мы будем говорить только по-русски! Conversation in Russian, all levels welcome!
Chado, or the Way of Tea, is one of the most ancient and revered arts of Japan and is at the very heart of Japan House. It is a ceremonial way of preparing and serving matcha (powdered green tea) that benefits both the host and the guest through mutual respect, non-verbal communication, and a calmness, or sense of peace, away from everyday life.
The Friday before Easter. The Episcopal Church’s observance of this day of fasting and penitence features the Passion according to Saint John, and devotions before the cross. Other services held on Good Friday include The Stations of the Cross – which is a meditation on the last fourteen stations of Christ's Passion.
Christians annually commemorate the death of Jesus Christ on this day, the Friday before Pascha (Easter). The (Eastern) Orthodox Christian Church does not use the term “Good Friday” but the term “Holy Friday” or “Great Friday” instead.
The Seed of the Sacred Fig is a 2024 political drama film written, co-produced and directed by Mohammad Rasoulof. Its plot centers on Iman, an investigating judge in the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, who grapples with paranoia as nationwide political protests due to the death of a young woman intensify and his gun mysteriously disappears.
Pronounced "Rezván," this annual Baha’i festival commemorates the 12 days when Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Baha’i Faith, publicly proclaimed His mission as God’s messenger for this age. Elections for Baha’i institutions are generally held during the Festival of Riḍván. Some students or employees may request schedule adjustments in order to observe.
The Feast of the Resurrection of Christ. It is the greatest and oldest feast of the Christian Church. The Episcopal Church celebrates the Eucharist with great solemnity on this most holy of feast days. In addition to Easter Day services, it is often observed with family gatherings.
On this day, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead after 3 days in the grave (Holy Friday, Holy Saturday, and Pascha Sunday).
Мы будем говорить только по-русски! Conversation in Russian, beginners welcome!