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Farhana Sultana (Professor of Geography at Syracuse University), "From Climate Coloniality to Climate Revolution"

Event Type
Center of Global Studies
wifi event
Nov 8, 2023   12:00 pm  
Farhana Sultana (Professor of Geography at Syracuse University)
Zoom Registration
Originating Calendar
Center for Global Studies: Events

Join the CGS team in welcoming Farhana Sultana (Professor of Geography at Syracuse University) for her virtual lecture, "From Climate Coloniality to Climate Revolution" on Wednesday, November 8th at 12PM

The extremely uneven and inequitable impacts of climate change create differential vulnerabilities, experiences, responses, and coping mechanisms worldwide. Climate coloniality clarifies how to understand this in more nuanced ways. The coloniality of climate seeps through everyday life across space and time, weighing down and curtailing opportunities and possibilities through global racial capitalism, colonial dispossessions, and climate debts. Decolonizing climate needs to address the complexities of colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, international development, and geopolitics that contribute to reproducing ongoing colonialities through existing global governance structures, discursive framings, imagined solutions, and interventions. This requires addressing epistemic violence and material outcomes to foster care-full resplendent climate revolutions. By weaving through such mediations, I offer an understanding of climate coloniality and climate revolutions that are theorized and grounded in lived experiences.

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