Research Seminars @ Illinois
Tailored for undergraduate researchers, this calendar is a curated list of research seminars at the University of Illinois. Explore the diverse world of research and expand your knowledge through engaging sessions designed to inspire and enlighten.
To have your events added or removed from this calendar, please contact OUR at
Sunday, March 9, 2025
RBML’s new exhibit celebrates the 75th anniversary of Gwendolyn Brooks’s 'Annie Allen' – the poetry collection that won the first Pulitzer Prize by a Black author – and explores the rich history of Black literature’s emergence into the mainstream. On display through May 2025.
Monday, March 10, 2025
RBML’s new exhibit celebrates the 75th anniversary of Gwendolyn Brooks’s 'Annie Allen' – the poetry collection that won the first Pulitzer Prize by a Black author – and explores the rich history of Black literature’s emergence into the mainstream. On display through May 2025.
Google Scholar is a popular and useful tool for research with several features that scholars may not be familiar with. This workshop will elaborate on the difference between searching in Google Scholar and academic databases, demonstrate how to use Google Scholar’s Advanced Search, explain how to connect your library access to Google Scholar...
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
RBML’s new exhibit celebrates the 75th anniversary of Gwendolyn Brooks’s 'Annie Allen' – the poetry collection that won the first Pulitzer Prize by a Black author – and explores the rich history of Black literature’s emergence into the mainstream. On display through May 2025.
Speaker: Nicholas LaRacuente, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Indiana University - Bloomington
Alanna Schepartz, PhD T.Z. and Irmgard Chu Distinguished Chair in Chemistry; University of California, Berkeley "Expanding the Functional Proteome"
Miles Bimrose will present on how Modern manufacturing increasingly produces parts with complex shapes and hidden internal features that are difficult to inspect for quality. This talk will showcase the use of X-ray Computed Tomography for nondestructive inspection of additively manufactured parts and complex electronic components.
Balint Virag (U Toronto) talks about "The Brownian web distance."
Lectures and discussions on current work in research and development in nuclear engineering and related fields by staff, advanced students, and visiting speakers.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
RBML’s new exhibit celebrates the 75th anniversary of Gwendolyn Brooks’s 'Annie Allen' – the poetry collection that won the first Pulitzer Prize by a Black author – and explores the rich history of Black literature’s emergence into the mainstream. On display through May 2025.
JSTOR is a digital library with access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines (primarily focused on humanities and social sciences). Recently, JSTOR merged with Artstor, a digital image database.
"Software and Data Analysis in the IGB Core Facilities" Austin Cyphersmith, Assistant Director for Research Instrumentation, Core Facilities Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
We have all sat through presentations that were boring, confusing, and drab. How do you communicate your message most succinctly? What visuals will captivate and inform your audience the best? Is it only about your slide design or are there other techniques that leave a lasting impression?
Community Speaker Series panelists: Traci Barkley (Director, Sola Gratia Farm), Emily Stone (Director of Public Engagement, College of Education), and Bhakti Verma (PhD student, Curriculum & Instruction).
Thursday, March 13, 2025
RBML’s new exhibit celebrates the 75th anniversary of Gwendolyn Brooks’s 'Annie Allen' – the poetry collection that won the first Pulitzer Prize by a Black author – and explores the rich history of Black literature’s emergence into the mainstream. On display through May 2025.
Dr. Jog, Associate Research Scientist in the Wetland Science Program at the Prairie Research Institute will present “Using plants to understand wetland health.”
Celebrate Women’s History Month with us on Thursday, March 13, from 2-6 pm (CT)! Join us in person or online on Zoom as we work together to enhance Wikipedia’s representation of women in STEM. Visit the University Library STEM Wikipedia Edit-a-thons LibGuide for details and the Grainger Library calendar for Zoom information.
In this colloquium, Dr. Jonas will challenge contemporary circular city and urban services planning models, which currently are not equipped to harness the full potential of interconnected neighborhoods for replenishing a city, its people, and its constituent economies and service territories.
Speaker: Balint Virag (Toronto)
Friday, March 14, 2025
RBML’s new exhibit celebrates the 75th anniversary of Gwendolyn Brooks’s 'Annie Allen' – the poetry collection that won the first Pulitzer Prize by a Black author – and explores the rich history of Black literature’s emergence into the mainstream. On display through May 2025.
Saturday, March 15, 2025
RBML’s new exhibit celebrates the 75th anniversary of Gwendolyn Brooks’s 'Annie Allen' – the poetry collection that won the first Pulitzer Prize by a Black author – and explores the rich history of Black literature’s emergence into the mainstream. On display through May 2025.