Research Seminars @ Illinois
Tailored for undergraduate researchers, this calendar is a curated list of research seminars at the University of Illinois. Explore the diverse world of research and expand your knowledge through engaging sessions designed to inspire and enlighten.
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Community Speaker Series panelists: Traci Barkley (Director, Sola Gratia Farm), Emily Stone (Director of Public Engagement, College of Education), and Bhakti Verma (PhD student, Curriculum & Instruction).
Do you work with or teach undergraduate students? The 13th annual Image of Research – UR Edition competition is a great opportunity to celebrate their research. All areas of study are invited. Entries will be celebrated at the Undergraduate Research Symposium on Thursday, April 24 in the Illini Union Ballroom.
Dr. Bryce Henson is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication & Journalism and an Africana Studies Program Affiliate at Texas A&M University.
Free lunch and informal talk for undergraduates of any major. With poet and essayist Ross Gay.
Free lunch and informal talk for undergraduates of any major. With poet and essayist Ross Gay.