Department of Mathematics - Master Calendar
54 matches found
UIUC Math Circle is a free weekly extracurricular math program for late middle school and high school students in the Champaign-Urbana area.
Speaker: Jennifer Li (Princeton)
Speaker: Jennifer Li
Speaker: Jonghyeon Ahn (UIUC)
Speaker: Marius Junge
Speaker: Zoltan Furedi (Renyi Institute and UIUC) Title: A Turan type problem for triple-systems
Speaker: Deniz Genlik
Speaker: Gökçe Dayanıklı (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) Title: Finding Optimal Policies for Large Populations: An Application to Epidemic Control
UIUC Math Circle is a free weekly extracurricular math program for late middle school and high school students in the Champaign-Urbana area.
Speaker: Johnathan Higgins
Speaker: Peixue Wu (University of Waterloo) (Zoom talk, link in event description)
Title: Boundedness of singularities and discreteness of local volumes (This is an algebraic geometry seminar talk)
Speaker: Vadim Zharnitsky (UIUC) Title: Asymptotic stability of linear systems with restricted connectivity
Speaker: Suil Oh (SUNY Korea)
Speaker: Peter Kronheimer (Harvard). There will be a reception following the talk in Bevier Commons
Speaker: Jnanajyoti Bhaumik (University at Buffalo) Title: Promotion of cooperation in multilayer networks when players are not engaged in a game in a different layer
Speaker: Ada Stelzer
Speaker: Peter Kronheimer (Harvard)
Speaker: Marcus Michelen Title: A new lower bound for sphere packing
Promit Ghosal Talks about "Universality of Persistence of Random Polynomials."
Speaker: David Wallach (UIUC); Title: Words and Schubert Calculus
Speaker: Peter Kronheimer (Harvard)
UIUC Math Circle is a free weekly extracurricular math program for late middle school and high school students in the Champaign-Urbana area.
Speaker: Jacob Beckey
Title: Hilbert 10 via additive combinatorics
Speaker: Jozsef Balogh (UIUC) Title: Sunflowers in set systems with small VC-dimension
Speaker: Edy Kirr
Speaker: Shivan Mittal (UT Austin)
UIUC Math Circle is a free weekly extracurricular math program for late middle school and high school students in the Champaign-Urbana area.