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Listen, play, and discover sound anew as you improvise with more than a dozen newly invented musical instruments in this interactive installation created by composer and instrument inventor Paul Dresher.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Speaker: Alireza Seif, Quantum Staff Researcher, IBM
Lectures and discussions on current work in research and development in nuclear engineering and related fields by staff, advanced students, and visiting speakers.
Alumni Lectures feature Chemistry at Illinois alumni who have, with the foundation of their chemistry studies at Illinois, made a meaningful impact in their chosen field. This Alumni Lecture tells the story of environmental law from its emergence in the United States to the present day.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Human-Centered Design is a creative problem solving approach that uses design thinking tools to identify the unmet needs of a population in order to collaboratively and iteratively develop relevant and innovative solutions. This seminar provides an introduction to the tools, spaces and processes that define this approach.
Samuel Rosner is a third year undergraduate studying physics.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
FSHN Graduate Seminar Series Presenter | Andrew L. Waterhouse, PhD Professor of Viticulture and Enology Director, Robert Mondavi Institute of Wine and Food Science University of California- Davis Title | Three Ideas Room 180 Bevier Hall 11:00 AM Friday, September 6, 2024
QCB Director Zan Luthey-Schulten University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Introductory remarks by QCB grad student Andrew Maytin Title: Integration of experiments with theory & simulations
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Dr. Paul Bogdan, Duke University, will lecture on "Big and Small Stimulus Representations in the Ventral Stream."
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Speaker: Jennifer Choy, Dugald C. Jackson Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Speaker: Bruce Reznick (UIUC) Title:Equal sums of two cubes of quadratic forms
Bo Wang, PhD Department of Bioengineering; Stanford University "Learning the super power of animal diversity one cell type at a time: regeneration, symbiosis, and evolution"
Dr. John Wong is a professor and director of medical physics in the Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences at Johns Hopkins University.
Fall 2024 iSEE Levenick Resident Scholar Tirthankar "TC" Chakraborty, scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Lab's Atmospheric Sciences and Global Change Division, will give a public talk about the variability of environmental hazards and climate risks in cities and the problems that causes in urban modeling, as well as potential solutions.
Lectures and discussions on current work in research and development in nuclear engineering and related fields by staff, advanced students, and visiting speakers.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Rafael Jaime Gonzalez Ricon, Graduate Research Assistant - Animal Sciences
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
How can you teach about, through, and with Human-Centered Design in higher education? This workshop introduces instructors to Human-Centered Design and its potential applications in teaching strategies and course materials.
This talk introduces the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H). ARPA-H is a funding agency that supports high-impact research capable of driving biomedical and health breakthroughs that can deliver transformative, sustainable, and equitable health solutions for everyone.
Speaker is Trung Vu
Speaker is Trung Vu
Jack is a senior majoring in physics with a minor in mathematics from Woodstock, IL. He is planning to pursue a career in computational plasma physics with a focus on magnetic fusion energy. Jack currently does research at the UIUC Center for Plasma Material Interactions and serves as President of the Illinois Alpha chapter of Tau Beta Pi Enginering Honor Society.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Please join the University YMCA and Diversity & Social Justice Education for our Fall 2024 Friday Forum + Conversation Café series. Voting Rights and Democracy in 2024 by Sean Morales-Doyle, the Director of Voting Rights Program, Brennan Center for Justice. Free Lunch Provided
Don't miss out on our "Design Dialogues" speaker series, where we bring together leading voices in design for an engaging conversation. This inaugural session features Kevin Finke, a visionary human-centered designer and the Founder & Chief Experience Officer at Experience Willow
Early Medieval England boasts the earliest collection of vernacular medical texts north of the Alps. Many are translations of classical materials; others are native Old English “folk” medicine, charms, prognostics, and prayers. This lecture explores the hybrid medical discourse produced by the juxtaposition of Mediterranean and insular textual traditions.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
The Mortenson Center, in collaboration with the New American Welcome Center, The Urbana Free Library and Illinois International- Global Relations will have a Human Library Event as part of the events featured during 2024 National Welcoming week. The event will feature immigrants and international students living in Champaign-Urbana talking about their home countries.
Dr. Hyejin Lee, UIUC, will lecture on "Precise Individual Measures of Inhibitory Control."
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Speaker: Chen-Lung Hung, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University
Noah Whiteman, PhD Departments of Integrative Biology and Molecular and Cell Biology; University of California, Berkeley "Acquisition of chemical defenses via horizontal gene transfer in insects"
Please join us for a MillerComm Lecture by George A. Miller Visiting Scholar, Jordan Pascoe.
In this talk, Jordan Pascoe draws on the resources of feminist philosophy to explore how disasters trigger social change- in both progressive and authoritarian ways. By examining how people learn from one another in disaster contexts, and how this learning can shift longstanding practices of collective knowing, she explores how and why disasters generate social change, and
Beckman-Brown Lecture — Steven Chu, "The Challenges of Getting to Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions"
Join Nobel Laureate Steven Chu, former U.S. Energy Secretary under President Barack Obama, for the annual Beckman-Brown Lecture on Interdisciplinary Science. Chu is a Professor of Physics, Molecular and Cellular Physiology, and Energy Science and Engineering at Stanford University.
Speaker: Wonwoo Kang
Lectures and discussions on current work in research and development in nuclear engineering and related fields by staff, advanced students, and visiting speakers.
This event is co-hosted by the Cancer Center at Illinois and NR IMPACT. NR IMPACT are a group of early to mid-stage researchers investigating nuclear receptor actions in health and disease.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
This meeting will be held in Illinois State water Survey Conference Room 2, or you can join virtually. https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NWRiZTg4Y2QtNjU1YS00YTBhLWE2OTUtNDJhNWU5MzNjMjYy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2244467e6f-462c-4ea2-823f-7800de5434e3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22789f2254-d4d0-4033-b54a-c4ee2ebf76cc%22%7d
Receive an overview of human subjects research, by Sarah Mumford, director, Office for the Protection of Research Subjects.
"Insights into Nuclear Speckles in Mammalian Cells Using Super-Resolution Microscopy" - Minxue Liu, Graduate Research Assistant, Beckman Institute - Cell & Developmental Biology Instrument: MINFLUX