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Join us for our Dish It Up/Lunch on Us Series at the Women's Resources Center every 2nd & 4th Monday at noon (12 p.m. CST), while listening to speakers, lecturers, and panelists explore a variety of topics at the intersection of gender and other social identities.
Meticulously culled together from across available, offered, contraband, and leaked sources, the exhibition and book are rich repositories for all those concerned with histories of nuclear weapons and engaged at the intersections of spatial, social and environmental justice, as well as anticolonial archival practices.
WGGP Spring Reception. Please join us as we honor or GRID Graduates and WGGP Award Recipients. Friday, April 25 | 4:00-5:00 pm | YMCA Latzer Hall. 1001 S. Wright Street, Champaign. Remarks at 4:20pm.