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Undergraduate Physics Seminar: "RF modeling for Fusion Applications Using Weak Form Contributions for Spatial Dispersion in COMSOL", Jack Granat

Event Type
Department of Physics
Loomis 464
wifi event
Sep 12, 2024   5:00 pm  
Jack Granat
Tushar Mohan
Originating Calendar
Physics - Undergraduate Student Events

The simulation code FEMIC (Finite Element Model for ICRH) uses the Finite Element Method (FEM) with live MATLAB/COMSOL coupling to solve the electromagnetic wave equation. FEM solvers like FEMIC have difficulty accounting for Finite Larmor Radius (FLR) effects so previous works have used a single wavevector approximation in FEMIC to reintroduce these FLR effects through the dielectric tensor. This work aims to improve upon previous attempts at using FEM methods to account for FLR effects in fusion plasmas by implementing weak form contributions in FEMIC that account for a wavevector spectra. Weak form terms for FLR electron effects were derived and implemented into a COMSOL model file generated by FEMIC. These weak terms, representing magnetic pumping and mixing effects, were added conditionally to assess their impact on the wave equation in the plasma. A parametric sweep was conducted to analyze six different cases, including various combinations of removed dielectric tensor components and included weak terms. The magnitude of error being introduced into the field calculations from the single wavevector approximation was analyzed and possible sources of this error were determined. Two likely sources of this error were found to be that the radial component of the electron contribution to the induced current is left out by the aforementioned approximation and that wavevector reflection off chamber walls is not accounted for by the single wavevector approximation.

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