Cultural & International
40 matches found
Wiccans observing Brigid, or Imbolc, clean and organize their living environments, as well as their minds and hearts, in preparation for the upcoming season of growth (spring). It’s a time to shake off the doldrums of winter and light the fires of creativity and inspiration. Some employees may request scheduling accommodations in order to observe.
Join the staff of the Women's Resources Center as we discuss the the revolutionary sexuality education text "Come As You Are", written by Emily Nagoski, PhD. During our conversations, we will examine the messages we've received about sex from school, parents, friends, social media, and explore what sex positivity can look like in practice in a sex-negative world.
The last month in the Baha’i calendar, ‘Alá’ (Loftiness), is dedicated to the Baha’i Fast. During this time, Baha’is between 15 and 70 years of age do not eat or drink for 19 days from sunrise to sunset and set aside time for prayer and meditation. Begins at sunset of the first day and ends at sunset of the last day.
The ninth month of the Islamic calendar observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad. Some Muslim employees and students observing Ramadan may request schedule adjustments in order to observe. Your department may find that more employees require space or time for prayer during this period.