Urbana Campus Research Calendar (OVCRI)
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RBML’s new exhibit celebrates the 75th anniversary of Gwendolyn Brooks’s 'Annie Allen' – the poetry collection that won the first Pulitzer Prize by a Black author – and explores the rich history of Black literature’s emergence into the mainstream. On display through May 2025.
Speaker: Nicholas LaRacuente, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Indiana University - Bloomington
Speaker: Xiannan Li (Kansas State University) Title: One level and n-level density for a large orthogonal family of L-functions
Alanna Schepartz, PhD T.Z. and Irmgard Chu Distinguished Chair in Chemistry; University of California, Berkeley "Expanding the Functional Proteome"
Miles Bimrose will present on how Modern manufacturing increasingly produces parts with complex shapes and hidden internal features that are difficult to inspect for quality. This talk will showcase the use of X-ray Computed Tomography for nondestructive inspection of additively manufactured parts and complex electronic components.
Speaker: Daniel W. Cranston (Virginia Commonwealth University) Title: Reconfiguration of Colorings and List Colorings
Lectures and discussions on current work in research and development in nuclear engineering and related fields by staff, advanced students, and visiting speakers.
Speaker: Lintao Li, Covey Group
Join us at noon on Wednesdays this spring for yoga with a view! All sessions are free and will be held in Beckman's fifth-floor tower room. All are welcome to bring their own mat!
"Software and Data Analysis in the IGB Core Facilities" Austin Cyphersmith, Assistant Director for Research Instrumentation, Core Facilities Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
With advancement in identification of T cell subsets and advent of novel immunotherapeutics, costimulatory/inhibitory molecules have been attractive targets for researchers and clinicians. Costimulatory molecules are diverse, sometimes redundant, but effectuate T cell responses to steer potency and memory formation.
This Seminar covers topics on building and training ML models, ranging from beginner to complex, deep learning models trained on the Delta Supercomputer's multi-GPU nodes. This seminar is open to all, including graduate students, undergrads, and particularly domain scientists whose primary affiliation is not with a STEM program or department.
Learn about the collaboration between Urbana’s organic farm, Sola Gratia, and Bhakti Verma, the College of Education-HRI Fellow and their work linking wellness and education in Urbana public schools.
Dr. Jog, Associate Research Scientist in the Wetland Science Program at the Prairie Research Institute will present “Using plants to understand wetland health.” March 13 | 12 pm - 1 pm (CTS) | Main Library Room 146, or over zoom
Speaker: Sabrina Streipert (University of Pittsburgh)
On view: “Making Place for the Arts at Home: Performance and Midcentury Modern Architecture,” featuring homes in Champaign-Urbana designed by Jack Baker, John Replinger, and A. Richard Williams. The museum is open Tuesday through Friday, 10–5; Saturday 10–4; and Thursday until 8 pm, when class is in session. Admission is always free. Parking access is easy during school br
This 90-minute workshop addresses the basics of accessing and using the Delta supercomputer. The content is suitable for researchers and students new to working with a cluster and wanting to know more about Delta.
Join us at noon on Wednesdays this spring for yoga with a view! All sessions are free and will be held in Beckman's fifth-floor tower room. All are welcome to bring their own mat!
This Seminar covers topics on building and training ML models, ranging from beginner to complex, deep learning models trained on the Delta Supercomputer's multi-GPU nodes. This seminar is open to all, including graduate students, undergrads, and particularly domain scientists whose primary affiliation is not with a STEM program or department.
Hear an update from center co-directors Tracey Wszalek and Bruce Damon on the Champaign-Urbana Population Study.
Speaker: Richard Averitt, Professor, University of California, San Diego
Speaker: Alexander Smith (UCLA)
Sabrina C. Agarwal, PhD Professor and Chair Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley "What Remains: Postcolonial Legacies of the Anatomical and Anthropological Sciences"
Speaker: Andreas Buttenschoen (UMass)
Lectures and discussions on current work in research and development in nuclear engineering and related fields by staff, advanced students, and visiting speakers.
Storytelling Workshop with Latoya Ruby Frazier Tuesday, March 25, 2025, UA Local 149 Plumbers and Pipefitters, 1003 N Dunlap Ave, Savoy, Illinois Workshop 5-7pm Dinner 7-9pm
Join us for 2 talks featuring recent CAS Associates and Fellows: Fahad Mahmood on unlocking quantum emergence and Peter Fritzsche on the fragile nature of human solidarity.
Speaker: Priyash Barya, Goldschmidt Group/Electrical and Computer Engineering
Join us at noon on Wednesdays this spring for yoga with a view! All sessions are free and will be held in Beckman's fifth-floor tower room. All are welcome to bring their own mat!
"Decoding 12 million years of Amazonian plant diversity using zero-shot segmentation and classification of fossil pollen on microscope slides" Surangi W. Punyasena, Professor - Plant Biology Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan, Sr. Research Software Engineer - Supercomputing Applications; Shu Kong
Speaker: Quynh-Anh Nguyen (University of Indianapolis)
This Seminar covers topics on building and training ML models, ranging from beginner to complex, deep learning models trained on the Delta Supercomputer's multi-GPU nodes. This seminar is open to all, including graduate students, undergrads, and particularly domain scientists whose primary affiliation is not with a STEM program or department.
Art as Transformation: Using Photography for Social Change by Latoya Ruby Frazier March 26, 5 pm -6 pm Plym Auditorium, Temple Buell Hall
Join the PDO to learn more about the various interdisciplinary research centers and institutes at work across our campus.
Please join Academic Women in STEAM (A-WIS) as we continue our monthly public seminar series, Science Uncorked at TheLiterary in downtown Champaign.
Friday Forum + Conversation Cafe Plumas Negras by Juliette Carrillo, University of Illinois Department of Theater March 28, 2025 12:00 pm -1:00 pm (CST) University YMCA, 1001 S Wright St, Champaign
This is the weekly Quantum Working Group Seminar covering topics in quantum information theory and operator algebra.
Speaker: Keji Lai, University of Texas at Austin
CSBS is excited to announce the latest Emerging Investigators Lunch, scheduled for April 1. The topic of the first lunch in the spring series will be “Building your Research Program.”
"The Magic of RNA: New Medicines, Immortality, and the Power to Control Evolution" Thomas R. Cech, PhD Nobel Laureate Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute BioFrontiers Institute University of Colorado Boulder I-Hotel and Conference Center Reception and book signing to follow.
Lectures and discussions on current work in research and development in nuclear engineering and related fields by staff, advanced students, and visiting speakers.
Speaker: Samantha Isaac, Kwiat Group
Join us at noon on Wednesdays this spring for yoga with a view! All sessions are free and will be held in Beckman's fifth-floor tower room. All are welcome to bring their own mat!
"Dissecting sub-millisecond stepping dynamics of dynein with MINFLUX" Joseph Slivka, PhD Candidate, Yildiz & Limmer Group - Physics, University of California, Berkley
Monthly invite-only Community of Practice meeting.