Urbana Campus Research Calendar (OVCRI)
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Speaker: "Simulatability and Testability of Quantum States through an Algebraic Lens", Dr. Mehrdad Tahmasbi, Future Faculty Fellow and Postdoctoral researcher, Computer Science, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Speaker: Micah Milinovich (University of Mississippi) Title: Fourier optimization, prime gaps, and the least quadratic non-residue
Rose Marks, PhD School of Integrative Biology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Genomic Ecology of Global Change Research Theme "What resurrection plants can tell us about the genomics of resilience"
Speaker: Rafal Goebel (Loyola University at Chicago), Title: "It is OK for dynamics to be multivalued, have nonunique solutions, and blend continuous time with discrete time."
Lectures and discussions on current work in research and development in nuclear engineering and related fields by staff, advanced students, and visiting speakers.
This Seminar covers topics on building and training ML models, ranging from beginner to complex, deep learning models trained on the Delta Supercomputer's multi-GPU nodes. This seminar is open to all, including graduate students, undergrads, and particularly domain scientists whose primary affiliation is not with a STEM program or department.
23rd Annual Women's and Gender History Symposium: Gender, Law, and Politics Thursday, February 20th – Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 Levis 210, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Hybrid Format)
"Ask CNRG: Helpdesk" Angela Dickinson, CNRG Research Programmer John Kim, CNRG Research Programmer Tommie Sturgeon, CNRG Senior Research Programmer BJ Yu, CNRG IT Tech Specialist
Cody is a junior at UIUC pursuing Astrophysics and Mathematics. Under Prof. Shapiro, Cody is involved in research on neutron star mergers and gravitational waves. He is a member of the Illinois Space Society, University of Illinois Astronomical Society, and SIGQuantum. Cody’s interests focus on numerical relativity and the dynamical evolution of compact objects.
Isabel Molina-Guzman is a professor of Communication and Latina/Latino Studies and an affiliate of the Institute of Communication Research. This case study is part of her in-progress book manuscript Black/Latinidad: Slashing Black and Latina/x Identity in Media and Popular Communication.
The Cancer Research Advocacy Group at the Cancer Center at Illinois is introducing a new online seminar series designed to engage, educate, and empower cancer patients, survivors, advocates, and families. This series will provide practical resources, address survivorship challenges, and foster collaboration to improve outcomes and guide future efforts in patient education
This is the weekly Quantum Working Group Seminar covering topics in quantum information theory and operator algebra.
Speaker: Joel I Wang, Research Scientist, Engineering Quantum Systems Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Beth M. Stadtmueller, PhD Assistant Professor of Biochemistry Biomedical & Translational Sciences, Carle Illinois College of Medicine University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Mining for anti-infectious Molecules from Genomes Research Theme "Investigating and engineering the structures and functions of Secretory Antibodies"
Speaker: Amir Sagiv (New Jersey Institute of Technology) Title: "Floquet Media and Nonautonomous Dirac equations"
Lectures and discussions on current work in research and development in nuclear engineering and related fields by staff, advanced students, and visiting speakers.
"Optimization of In Vitro Reservoir Computing informed by Volume Electron Microscopy and Simulation" Andrew Dou, Graduate Research Assistant, Mechanical Science & Engineering
This Seminar covers topics on building and training ML models, ranging from beginner to complex, deep learning models trained on the Delta Supercomputer's multi-GPU nodes. This seminar is open to all, including graduate students, undergrads, and particularly domain scientists whose primary affiliation is not with a STEM program or department.
Please join Academic Women in STEAM (A-WIS) as we continue our monthly public seminar series, Science Uncorked at TheLiterary in downtown Champaign.
This is the weekly Quantum Working Group Seminar covering topics in quantum information theory and operator algebra.
Speaker: "Quantum control and error mitigation from geometric space curves", Ed Barnes, Professor of Physics and Moore Faculty Fellow, Virginia Tech.
Speaker: Matilde Lalin (Université de Montréal)
Speaker: Rajesh, Clark/Draper Group
"Illuminating Brain Circuit Architectures" Xiaotang Lu, Assistant Professor, Chemistry
This Seminar covers topics on building and training ML models, ranging from beginner to complex, deep learning models trained on the Delta Supercomputer's multi-GPU nodes. This seminar is open to all, including graduate students, undergrads, and particularly domain scientists whose primary affiliation is not with a STEM program or department.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
"Web Hosting" David Slater, CNRG Associate Director of High Performance Computing
Concluding the first annual Global Book History at Illinois workshop, distinguished professors Inmaculada PĂ©rez MartĂn, Agamemnon Tselikas, and George Xenis will touch on their work championing the study of classical and medieval Greek letters and literatures and reflect briefly on this groundbreaking new program.
This is the weekly Quantum Working Group Seminar covering topics in quantum information theory and operator algebra.
Speaker: Angel Rubio, Research Scientist and Co-Director of Initiative for Computational Catalysis Flatiron Institute
Speaker: Xiannan Li (Kansas State University)
Alanna Schepartz, PhD T.Z. and Irmgard Chu Distinguished Chair in Chemistry; University of California, Berkeley "Expanding the Functional Proteome"
Lectures and discussions on current work in research and development in nuclear engineering and related fields by staff, advanced students, and visiting speakers.
Speaker: Lintao Li, Covey Group
With advancement in identification of T cell subsets and advent of novel immunotherapeutics, costimulatory/inhibitory molecules have been attractive targets for researchers and clinicians. Costimulatory molecules are diverse, sometimes redundant, but effectuate T cell responses to steer potency and memory formation.
This Seminar covers topics on building and training ML models, ranging from beginner to complex, deep learning models trained on the Delta Supercomputer's multi-GPU nodes. This seminar is open to all, including graduate students, undergrads, and particularly domain scientists whose primary affiliation is not with a STEM program or department.
This is the weekly Quantum Working Group Seminar covering topics in quantum information theory and operator algebra.
This Seminar covers topics on building and training ML models, ranging from beginner to complex, deep learning models trained on the Delta Supercomputer's multi-GPU nodes. This seminar is open to all, including graduate students, undergrads, and particularly domain scientists whose primary affiliation is not with a STEM program or department.
This is the weekly Quantum Working Group Seminar covering topics in quantum information theory and operator algebra.
Speaker: Richard Averitt, Professor, University of California, San Diego
Speaker: Alexander Smith (UCLA)
Speaker: Andreas Buttenschoen (UMass)
Speaker: Priyash Barya, Goldschmidt Group/Electrical and Computer Engineering
"Decoding 12 million years of Amazonian plant diversity using zero-shot segmentation and classification of fossil pollen on microscope slides" Surangi W. Punyasena, Professor - Plant Biology Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan, Sr. Research Software Engineer - Supercomputing Applications; Shu Kong
Speaker: Quynh-Anh Nguyen (University of Indianapolis)
This Seminar covers topics on building and training ML models, ranging from beginner to complex, deep learning models trained on the Delta Supercomputer's multi-GPU nodes. This seminar is open to all, including graduate students, undergrads, and particularly domain scientists whose primary affiliation is not with a STEM program or department.
Please join Academic Women in STEAM (A-WIS) as we continue our monthly public seminar series, Science Uncorked at TheLiterary in downtown Champaign.
This is the weekly Quantum Working Group Seminar covering topics in quantum information theory and operator algebra.
Speaker: Keji Lai, University of Texas at Austin
Speaker: Samantha Isaac, Kwiat Group
This Seminar covers topics on building and training ML models, ranging from beginner to complex, deep learning models trained on the Delta Supercomputer's multi-GPU nodes. This seminar is open to all, including graduate students, undergrads, and particularly domain scientists whose primary affiliation is not with a STEM program or department.
Assistant Professor, College of Aces, Dept. of Nutritional Sciences
This is the weekly Quantum Working Group Seminar covering topics in quantum information theory and operator algebra.
What Now: Focus on Women and Gender in the New Era April 7 | 5:15 pm - 6:45 pm | Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center, 1212 W. Nevada St., Urbana, IL
Speaker: Bill Fefferman, Assistant Professor, University of Chicago
Speaker: Wangseok Shin (UIUC)
Lectures and discussions on current work in research and development in nuclear engineering and related fields by staff, advanced students, and visiting speakers.
Speaker: Xiaochuan (David) Ding, Clark Group