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Steven Moses

IQUIST Seminar: "Scaling Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers at Quantinuum," Steven Moses, Quantinuum

Event Type
190 Engineering Sciences Building, 1101 W Springfield Ave, Urbana, IL 61801
Apr 23, 2024   11:00 - 11:50 am  
Steven Moses, Quantinuum
Hannah Stites
Originating Calendar
IQUIST Seminar Series

Scaling Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers at Quantinuum

Abstract: One of the main challenges facing large-scale quantum computing is scaling systems to more qubits while maintaining high fidelity operations.  In this talk, I will describe our efforts at Quantinuum in scaling trapped-ion quantum computers based on the quantum charge-coupled device architecture.  I will particularly focus on our second-generation system (H2), which has a race-track shaped ion trap.  H2 features several technologies crucial to future scalability, including electrode broadcasting, multi-layer RF routing, and magneto-optical trap loading, while maintaining, and in some cases exceeding, the gate fidelities of our first-generation system.  I will present the thorough set of benchmarking experiments we performed to characterize the system with 32 qubits, as well as some preliminary benchmarking data on 56 qubits.  I will also briefly describe other work that’s being done at the company in support of our technical roadmap.

Bio: Steven Moses is a lead physicist at Quantinuum.  He obtained his PhD in 2016 from the University of Colorado, under the supervision of Deborah Jin and Jun Ye.  His thesis focused on studying dipolar interactions of ultracold KRb molecules in optical lattices.  Then he did a postdoc in the group of Chris Monroe at JQI and the University of Maryland, where he worked on a project to entangle two ions using ultrafast laser pulses.  Since 2017, he has been at Honeywell, and now Quantinuum, working on building practical quantum computers based on the quantum charge coupled device architecture.

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