Student Wellness Calendar

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Summer Yoga

Event Type
Allerton Park
Allerton Park - Bowling Green Lawn
Aug 8, 2023   9:00 - 10:00 am  
Originating Calendar
Campus Wellbeing Services - All Wellness Events

The peaceful, serene atmosphere of Allerton provides the perfect setting to clear your thoughts and relax while strengthening your mind, body, and spirit. All levels are welcome for this donation-based, Tuesday morning Summer Yoga class, which focuses on waking up the body.

Please meet in the beautiful Allerton Meadow, where instructor Josie Heck from Yoga Off the Square will lead students through strength poses suitable for any level with cooling postures for the nervous system.

Limited mats will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Register here.

These classes are free but donations are accepted to help support the Park and public programs. Make your gift here.

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