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New Frontiers in Carbon Transformations Coupled to Resource Recovery for A Sustainable Energy, and Environmental Future

Event Type
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center
1 Hazelwood Drive, Champaign, IL 61820
wifi event
Feb 19, 2025   2:00  
Greeshma Gadikota - Associate Professor and Croll Sesquicentennial Fellow in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University
Register via Zoom
Filza Armadita
Originating Calendar
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Events

Abstract: Our societal grand challenge lies in meeting the rising demand for energy and resources while limiting detrimental impacts on the environment. While tremendous advances have been made in ensuring the sustainability of our water and soil resources, significant scientific and technological advances are needed to co-produce multiple high value resources with inherent management of greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, advancing the science of fluid-solid interactions in complex environments and harnessing this understanding to develop novel and scalable pathways for carbon transformations integrated with resource recovery are crucial for a sustainable future. In this context, we will discuss the role of emerging understanding of the organization and transport behavior of nanoconfined fluids as it relates to the capture, storage, and utilization of CO2 in natural and engineered environments. Novel multi-phase chemical pathways for producing hydrogen with inherent carbon removal and hybrid absorption-crystallization pathways in CO2 sourced hydrometallurgical pathways will be discussed in this context. The role of naturally occurring minerals, distributed biomass resources, and low value residues including alkaline residues in for a sustainable energy future are evaluated.  

Biography: Our societal grand challenge lies in meeting the rising demand for energy and resources while limiting detrimental impacts on the environment. While tremendous advances have been made in ensuring the sustainability of our water and soil resources, significant scientific and technological advances are needed to co-produce multiple high value resources with inherent management of greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, advancing the science of fluid-solid interactions in complex environments and harnessing this understanding to develop novel and scalable pathways for carbon transformations integrated with resource recovery are crucial for a sustainable future. In this context, we will discuss the role of emerging understanding of the organization and transport behavior of nanoconfined fluids as it relates to the capture, storage, and utilization of CO2 in natural and engineered environments. Novel multi-phase chemical pathways for producing hydrogen with inherent carbon removal and hybrid absorption-crystallization pathways in CO2 sourced hydrometallurgical pathways will be discussed in this context. The role of naturally occurring minerals, distributed biomass resources, and low value residues including alkaline residues in for a sustainable energy future are evaluated.  

This webinar is a certified green event by the University of Illinois' Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment.

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