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29th Environmental Engineering & Science Annual Symposium and 2023-2024 AEESP Distinguished Lecture

Event Type
CEE 595 G
The 29th EE&S Symposium will be held in the Newmark Civil and Environmental Engineering Building (Yeh Student Center) (205 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801), and the neighboring Ven Te Chow Hydrosystems Laboratory (CEEB), and National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) buildings.
Apr 12, 2024   8:00 am - 5:30 pm  
Professor Elizabeth A. Edwards, Ph.D., P.Eng. and Damon S. Williams, PE, BCEE, F.ASCE
Registration and Lunch Selection is Required
Originating Calendar
CEE Seminars and Conferences

About the Symposium - Frontiers in Environmental Engineering Research

The annual Symposium is an EE&S graduate student driven event, for students to communicate research results and network with other students, faculty and alumni!

Please register whether you are a graduate student presenter or a guest Symposium/Distinguished Lecture attendee. Lunch boxes will be ordered based on attendee responses in the registration from. 


The Symposium includes:

  • 2023-2024 AEESP Distinguished Lecturer:
    • Professor Elizabeth A. EdwardsPh.D., P.Eng.
  • Keynote Presenter:
    • Distinguished Alumnus Damon S. Williams, PE, Managing Member, DSW Water Strategies, LLC, 
  • Podium presentations by graduate students
  • Poster presentations by graduate students
  • Continental breakfast and box-lunch

 The broader thematic tracks for the podium presentations and posters are:

  • Emerging Technologies for Water Quality and Processes
  • Sustainability and Resource Recovery
  • Air Quality, Indoor Air Quality, Climate Change
  • Artificial Intelligence, Data Science in Environmental Engineering 

 For questions, please contact us at ees.symposium.uiuc@gmail.com

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