Grainger College of Engineering Seminars & Speakers

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Advancing Sustainability Initiatives at the University of Illinois: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategies

Event Type
CEE 595AG Advanced Environmental Engineering Seminar
2311 Yeh Center
Sep 29, 2023   10:00 - 10:50 am  
Prof. Jennifer M. Fraterrigo, UIUC Natural Resources & Environmental Science
Originating Calendar
CEE Seminars and Conferences

Despite increased awareness of the urgency to respond to climate change and the need for more sustainable practices at the University of Illinois, advancing campus sustainability initiatives remains challenging. The decentralized organizational structure of the university, fiscal constraints, and the plurality of attitudes, goals and priorities among campus stakeholders enhance the complexity of identifying and implementing sustainable solutions. At the same time, there are abundant opportunities to make progress toward achieving the goals laid out in the Illinois Climate Action Plan. In this presentation, I illustrate these issues in the context of a recent initiative to reduce single-use plastic consumption on campus. Through this lens, I aim to provide critical insights into how to catalyze, intensify, and accelerate actions that will improve campus sustainability.

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