Civil and Environmental Engineering - Master Calendar

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PhD Final Defense – Jaeik Lee

Event Type
Civil and Environmental Engineering
CEEB 3012
Feb 3, 2025   8:00 am  
Originating Calendar
CEE Seminars and Conferences

Railroad Turnout Frog Profile Geometry and Elasticity Optimization

Using Revenue Service Wheel Profiles

Advisor: Professor J. Riley Edwards


Railroad turnouts are essential track infrastructure elements facilitating train movements between

adjacent and diverging tracks. Most turnouts consist of three sections: the switch area, closure

area, and frog area. The turnout frog induces significant wheel impacts as the wheel traverses

through the turnout. These impacts are primarily attributed to both the frog profile geometry,

which includes a gap (i.e., flangeway) between the wing rail and the point, as well as the variation

in vertical track stiffness along the turnout. Given the high resiliency and reliability expectations

for heavy axle load (HAL) freight infrastructure in North America (N.A.), improvement of turnout

frog wear and impact resistance is crucial. My dissertation aims to optimize both the profile

geometry of the frog and the elasticity of the turnout, thereby reducing wear and damage, leading

to longer life cycles and fewer maintenance interventions.

Given that previous studies on turnout optimization predominantly relied on design wheel profiles

or a limited subset of wheels for wheel-rail interaction analysis, I developed and leveraged five

representative revenue service wheel profiles. These profiles were selected based on the severity

of hollow tread using a dataset of one million revenue service wheel profiles. In the geometry

optimization phase, static geometric interaction analyses were conducted on 30 unique frog

geometries. Wheel impacts during the wheel transition were quantified for each case using 400

randomly extracted revenue service wheel profiles. Among the geometries analyzed, the frog

design featuring a gradual point slope and lower wing rail height demonstrated an average 28%

reduction in wheel impacts compared to the existing frog design. To account for dynamic aspects,

finite element analysis (FEA) was conducted on three validated frog geometries: the existing

design, the geometry optimized through static analysis, and a version incorporating a longitudinal

wing slope. This research quantified contact forces between the wheel and frog across five wheel

profiles under three different train speeds. Results showed that the geometry with the longitudinal

wing slope provided an average wheel impact reduction of 46% compared to the existing frog

design. Finally, under tie pads (UTPs) were introduced to further reduce wheel impacts at the frog

point and minimize vertical track stiffness variations throughout the turnout. Laboratory

experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of UTPs with varying material properties,

and the results were used to assess the impact of UTP characteristics and guide the selection of

appropriate UTP properties to optimize turnout elasticity. A 3D turnout model was developed

using the commercial multibody simulation (MBS) software VI-Rail, investigating four UTP

properties and three rail pad stiffness levels. The results indicated that UTP properties had a

negligible effect on wheel impacts. However, adopting soft rail pads reduced wheel impacts for

wheels in good condition but increased them for hollow worn wheels. Additionally, UTPs

improved track stiffness consistency by combining soft rail pads throughout the turnout with stiff

UTPs in the frog section. This configuration achieved consistent track stiffness along the turnout,

limiting displacement and corresponding stiffness variations to 2.3% and 6.9% for the switch and

frog sections, respectively.

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