Civil and Environmental Engineering - Master Calendar
46 matches found
Microorganisms in the environment play an important role in human lives: microbial metabolism can be used to treat our waste and generate useful products (e.g., food, medicine, and energy), while pathogenic microorganisms in our water and food can threaten human health.
Join us for the CEE Faculty Research Webinar on Microsoft Teams.
Some of the most consequential outcomes of global warming for societies and ecosystems are changes in extreme events. Comparing 2000-2019 with 1980-1999, extreme temperature and flood events have more than doubled globally while the number of disastrous storms and droughts has increased by 30-50%.
To provide actionable information on the climate impacts on energy and other sectors and how climate change may influence the sustainable energy futures, we developed a three-pronged strategy focusing on high-resolution modeling to improve simulations of extreme events ...
RREC features presentations by railroaders, consulting engineers, academics and others involved in all aspects of railroad environmental topics.