Civil and Environmental Engineering - Master Calendar

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PhD Final Defense – Aditya Pandey

Event Type
Civil and Environmental Engineering
wifi event
Oct 17, 2024   2:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
CEE Seminars and Conferences

Advanced Bayesian methodologies for parametric and non-parametric inference of

spatiotemporal phenomena

Advisor: Professor Paolo Gardoni


Real-world physical processes are rarely independent across space and time. For example,

an above-average temperature in Urbana, IL, is often followed by a similar observation in

nearby Champaign, IL, due to geographic proximity. Similarly, an increase in COVID-19 cases

in one day may lead to higher cases the next day in the same city. These spatial and temporal

correlations are critical for systems operating over large geographic areas and long time

periods. Ignoring these correlations can result in significant underestimation of system

vulnerabilities to external stressors. As a result, spatiotemporal models have become

essential for capturing these dynamics, providing valuable tools for tasks like environmental

monitoring, resource planning, and risk management.

Spatiotemporal phenomena are observed across various domains, from natural hazards like

earthquakes and floods to structural deterioration due to environmental factors. These

phenomena exhibit considerable variability over diNerent spatial and temporal scales. For

example, a bridge may experience vehicle loads over short periods while also facing slow

corrosion over decades. These multi-scale processes, coupled with a lack of comprehensive

data and the computational expense of detailed physical models, make the modeling of

spatiotemporal phenomena particularly challenging.

One specific example of a complex spatiotemporal phenomenon is storm surge, which

refers to the abnormal rise in seawater caused by hurricanes or other intense storms. Storm

surge poses significant risks to coastal infrastructure and human populations, making it

crucial to develop accurate models for prediction and real-time response. However,

modeling storm surge involves integrating multiple interacting processes—such as oceanic

dynamics, atmospheric conditions, and geographical factors—all operating on diNerent

spatial and temporal scales. Additionally, the sparsity of direct surge measurements further

complicates this task.

To address these challenges, this dissertation develops advanced statistical models and

inference methods for spatiotemporal phenomena, with a particular focus on storm surge.

The central approach involves the use of random fields and Bayesian inference, which oNer

flexible and probabilistic frameworks for handling uncertainty in both data and model

predictions. Random fields provide smooth and adaptive representations of spatiotemporal

processes, while Bayesian inference allows for the integration of sparse data with prior

knowledge, producing comprehensive uncertainty estimates. Despite their advantages,

traditional Bayesian methods such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) can be

computationally prohibitive, particularly in large-scale spatiotemporal settings.

This dissertation introduces several key advancements to address these computational

challenges. For non-parametric random fields, the work adapts tools from Information Field

Theory, specifically the Diagrammatic Perturbation Technique (DPT). DPT organizes the

logarithm of the joint distribution into a Taylor series expansion, with each term represented

by a diagram, simplifying complex Bayesian calculations. This approach is demonstrated

with Gamma likelihoods and Gaussian priors, which are common in structural deterioration

problems. The dissertation shows that DPT significantly reduces computational costs

compared to MCMC, while maintaining accurate posterior estimates.

For parametric models, the dissertation extends DPT to oNer closed form estimates of

posterior moments, providing an eNicient alternative to MCMC, especially in large datasets

where the posterior deviates slightly from a Gaussian distribution. This method is applied to

spatiotemporal models, linear regression, and generalized linear models, demonstrating its

broad applicability.

Finally, the dissertation presents a novel modeling approach for storm surge estimation

within a Bayesian random field framework, leveraging DPT for eNicient posterior estimation.

This approach enables rapid, real-time predictions of storm surge, validated using historical

NOAA data from the Gulf Coast. The model’s ability to capture uncertainty while delivering

fast and accurate predictions oNers a powerful tool for disaster preparedness and risk

management in coastal regions.

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