Civil and Environmental Engineering - Master Calendar

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PhD Final Defense for Wenjing Li

Event Type
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Newmark-Quade Conference Room, NCEB
Aug 1, 2024   9:00 am  
Originating Calendar
CEE Seminars and Conferences

Integrated Approach for Simulation and Prediction of Railway Track Dynamic Responses

Advisor: Professor Erol Tutumluer


This PhD study focused on the development of a Train-Track (TT) model and a Trian-Track-

Bridge (TTB) model to address the challenging hanging tie problem of railway track transition

zones with track irregularities and accurately simulate the dynamic responses of bridge approaches

under moving train loads. The study included a comprehensive analysis of field data collected by

Tutumluer et al. (2024), development and optimization of analytical models and algorithms,

comparison of the developed model with existing models and commercial software, and the

development of a track property prediction model based on the fully developed TTB model and

machine learning methods. The primary objective was to develop an accurate simulation model

and gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms causing hanging tie problems near bridge

abutments. Following the validation of the TTB model with real-world field data, the study

explored various conditions, including different shapes of tie gaps, varying lengths of tie gap zones,

and different locations of bridge approaches, such as bridge entrances and exits. The effects of

train operating speed, tie spacing, and tie types were also investigated. Additionally, a secondary

objective was to develop a predictive model for determining track properties, such as ballast

stiffness and subgrade stiffness. This model aims to predict and monitor track substructure

properties, thereby enabling more efficient scheduling of maintenance activities.

An initial research task of this PhD study involved interpreting detailed field data previously

collected along the US Amtrak Northeast Corridor near Chester, Pennsylvania (Tutumluer et al.,

2024). The data included individual layer deformations of track substructure layers and track

geometry data. Statistical analyses were performed on the field data to quantify transient responses

and performance trends at the bridge approaches. The field data revealed hanging tie issues at the

instrumented bridge approaches, caused by several sequential ties near the bridge abutments

experiencing lack-of-support conditions. These ties, with gaps underneath, exhibited oscillatory

motion due to the dynamic loading from moving train wheels. This nonuniform support worsened

the substructure conditions, leading to significant deformations, including heave due to train


The TTB model developed for ballasted track systems in this study is applicable to both regular

embankments, bridge entrance and exit locations. Simulation results from the model closely

matched the transient displacements collected in various substructure layers from the field

instrumentation at different periods within a two-year period. The model parameters were carefully

selected based on a comprehensive literature review and property information gathered from

manufacturers. The model also accounted for vertical track irregularities and examined the

dynamic responses at bridge approach locations. Comparisons were made among the prediction

obtained from the validated model and other existing analytical models and available commercial


Finally, the study also developed a track property prediction model based on machine learning

methods applied on the analysis results of the validated train-track-bridge model. Collecting track

property information in the field is often difficult, time-consuming, and expensive, and it disrupts

train services. The predictive model developed in this study, therefore aimed to alleviate these

issues, providing a more efficient approach to maintenance scheduling.

This study identified that track transition zones subjected to differential settlements, impact loads,

and hanging tie issues exhibited an increasing trend in transient vertical deformations over time,

in contrast to open track locations. These transition zones also presented larger tie gaps. The

research further demonstrated that bridge entrance locations experienced more substantial dynamic

responses than bridge exit locations. Additionally, consistent tie gaps were found to result in higher

transient displacements on both ties and ballast at track transitions, while in open track locations,

only the transient displacement on top of ties increased. The length of the gap zone with a

consistent tie gap did not significantly influence transient displacements on ties and ballast, unlike

tie spacing has a significant impact on the track dynamic responses. Moreover, high train operating

speeds had a pronounced effect on transient displacements on ties and ballast, whereas lower

speeds did not exhibit a significant impact.

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