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PhD Final Defense – Samuel Enrique Aguiar

Event Type
Civil and Environmental Engineering
CEEB 1017
Nov 11, 2024   11:00 am  
Originating Calendar
CEE Seminars and Conferences


Advisor: Associate Professor Roland D. Cusick 


Managing phosphorus (P) within the Food-Energy-Water (FEW) nexus is key to reducing agricultural reliance on mined rock phosphate fertilizers and eutrophication of sensitive natural waterways. One way water resource recovery facilities (WRRF) have implemented P recovery is through struvite crystallization in P rich sidestreams. These systems typically operate with high P removal ranging from 78 – 93%, but can suffer from fine particle washout resulting in highly variable total P recovery from 7 – 91%. Though some experiential knowledge has been developed to improve reactor performance, a generally shallow understanding of struvite crystallization particle dynamics has led to overall poor performance in terms of P recovery, uncontrolled production of fine struvite crystals, and weak optimization strategies that give operators little discretion in adjusting reactor conditions. 

This dissertation analyzes struvite precipitation with an emphasis on the importance of particle size and how the loss of fine particles can influence the performance of crystallization reactors. The results discussed range from purely experimental findings based on lab scale crystallization studies, to modeling studies providing some context for those results, and data driven evaluations of reactor performance. The primary objectives were as follows: (1) Determining the plantwide implications of fine loss to determine if low yield operation can cause major disruptions in effluent composition or other unintended consequences at the WRRF, (2) Evaluating historical performance of a full scale struvite crystallizer using data driven methods to uncover correlations between the limited operational parameters available at WRRFs and reactor performance, (3) Developing a comprehensive data set that investigates the influence of supersaturation, organic additives, and calcium co-precipitation on the kinetics of P removal and particle dynamics, and (4) Evaluation of various kinetic model structures with increasing complexity and predictive capability to show the importance of surface area based modeling.   

The first study in this dissertation showed loss of fines (low yield) 1) are a significant contributor to intraplant P recycling and 2) shift the mass flow of struvite directly to treated effluent water resulting in increases in effluent P. This chapter confirmed the validity of concerns related to the washout of fines and provided motivation for improving understanding of the importance of particle size and developing model frameworks which could address fines loss. The next chapter focused on developing a data driven approach to evaluating reactor performance through the limited set of operational parameters available at WRRFs. A correlation between conversion and calcium co-precipitants supersaturation was found, but yield seemed to be controlled through an independent set of operational parameters that were not included in this analysis. Data driven models were shown to predict P removal with high confidence, but were only moderately successful in predicting conversion, and were very weak indicators of yield. While some success can be found through historical data analysis from full scale nutrient recovery systems, there is a significant gap between the data that is routinely measured at WRRFs and the types of data necessary to fully implement data driven models. The final chapter returned the focus of the work to connecting crystallization phenomena observed in kinetics experiments with model frameworks capable of account for particle characteristics like mass and surface area. Supersaturation, citrate and aspartate, and calcium were investigated primarily for their effects on P removal rate and particle size changes in struvite precipitation experiments. Surface area based kinetics models are shown to be an acceptable compromise that includes physical particle characteristics and could realistically be implemented at WRRFs. Overall, this dissertation shows the importance of considering particle size and fines loss when evaluating struvite crystallization reactors.

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