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Stephanie Brownstein

Exploring the Challenges of Build and Operate Grants

Event Type
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center
wifi event
Nov 7, 2023   12:00 - 1:00 pm  
Stephanie Brownstein - Technical Lead Carbon Capture Scale-Up for the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, Prairie Research Institute
Register via Zoom
Emily Guske
Originating Calendar
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Events

Abstract: Once a technology is validated in a lab, the next step of development is to validate and demonstrate the technology in a relevant environment. In many cases this looks like designing, building, and operating a pilot system at an industrial site. Managing grant funded scale-up projects in industry presents a variety of significant challenges, ranging from market variability to host site engagement. This presentation will discuss some of these challenges and the lessons learned while navigating unprecedented circumstances in recent years.

Biography: Stephanie is the Technical Lead Carbon Capture Scale-Up for the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center within the Prairie Research Institute. She manages the scale-up and environmental permitting of carbon capture and utilization projects at various power plants. Stephanie holds BS and M. Eng. degrees in Chemical Engineering and has 13 years of experience managing environmental and safety compliance in industry and research.

This webinar is a certified green event by the University of Illinois' Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment. 

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