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Physics Careers Seminar: "You’re Hired! A View From the Other Side"

Event Type
Department of Physics
204 Loomis (Interaction Room)
Feb 7, 2025   2:00 pm  
Dr. Richard Aburano, Senior Director, Onsemi
Lance Cooper
Originating Calendar
Physics - Careers Seminar
Abstract: You’re getting your degree, now what? If academic research isn’t in your future (for whatever reason), how do you get a job? Having once been in your shoes, I’d like to give a view from the other side, that of the somewhat elusive hiring manager. From the impersonal job description to the recruiter guardian, the phone screen and job offer to how to be successful your first years, I’ll tell it like it is from a high tech (semiconductors to be precise) manager.

Bio: Richard is currently a Sr Director of Product Quality after starting his career in Technology Development followed by roles in Customer Quality, Reliability and Reliability Operations. Most of those jobs were based in vibrant Silicon Valley. He managed people in 5 of the 6 companies he’s worked for in the past 28 years after receiving his PhD in experimental condensed matter under T.-C. Chiang.
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