Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Calendar

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From Nikola Tesla to TESLA: How the Electric Grid Became the Most Complex System Ever Engineered

Event Type
Electrical and Computer Engineering
1002 Electrical and Computer Engineering Building, 306 North Wright Street, Urbana IL
Apr 6, 2024   2:00 pm  
Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia
Originating Calendar
Illinois ECE Saturday Engineering for Everyone

The US National Academy of Engineering named electrification—the development of the vast electricity grids that power the world—the most important engineering achievement of the 20th century because of the impact it had on people’s quality of life. In this talk, I will cover some of the history that led to the development of today’s electricity grids. Along the way, I will talk about some of the fundamental physics and engineering principles that underpin their design and operation. I will conclude the talk with some of the challenges ahead for decarbonizing electricity grids worldwide.

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