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Hidden Gems: Recognizing, Understanding, and Supporting First Generation Students in the Classroom - CITL Art of Teaching Lunchtime Seminar Series

Event Type
Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
wifi event
Feb 1, 2024   12:00 pm  
Jordan Leising
Originating Calendar
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning

Nearly one in four of Illinois’ 2023 first-year students are first-generation college students, making up 24% of the freshman class–an increase from 23% in 2022 and 20% in 2021 (Illinois News Bureau, 9/11/2023). As the numbers of first-gen, and particularly FGLI (first-gen, low/limited income) students increase, how can we best understand the biggest challenges they face in the classroom and how do factors outside of the classroom also directly affect academic performance and persistence? During this session, you’ll hear from a small group of first-gen students, many from low/limited-income communities and/or households, as they discuss their experiences at the University of Illinois.


The Art of Teaching Lunchtime Seminar Series features inspiring faculty from across the disciplines sharing their thoughts and strategies about the art and science of teaching and learning. We welcome new faculty, new stories, and new ways of thinking about the art of teaching. Join us via Zoom on the first Thursdays of the month from 12 pm to 1 pm.

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