Department of Mathematics - Master Calendar
55 matches found
Speaker: Jaebum Sohn (Yonsei University) Title: Core Partition, Numerical Semigroups, and Related Problems
Speaker: Aiya Kuchukova (Georgia Institute of Technology) Title: Sampling equitable colorings and beyond
Speaker: Zhijia Zhang (NYU), Title: Equivariant birational geometry of Fano threefolds
Gabriele La Nave (Illinois), "Geometric analysis of (singular) 4-manifolds"
Coffee and tea in Altgeld 245 at 3:30pm. Talk starts at 4pm.
Speaker: Naoki Masuda (University at Buffalo)
Speaker: Andreas Stavrou (Chicago)
Speaker: Tomer Schlank (Chicago)
This is the weekly Quantum Working Group Seminar covering topics in quantum information theory and operator algebra.
Speaker: Bruce Reznick and David Altizio (UIUC)
Speaker: Wangseok Shin (UIUC)
Coffee and tea in Altgeld 245 at 3:30pm. Talk starts at 4pm.
Speaker: Qixin He (Purdue University)
This is the weekly Quantum Working Group Seminar covering topics in quantum information theory and operator algebra.
Coffee and tea in Altgeld 245 at 3:30pm. Talk starts at 4pm.
Speaker: Alan Lindsay (University of Notre Dame)
Speaker: Keller VandeBogert (Notre Dame)
This is the weekly Quantum Working Group Seminar covering topics in quantum information theory and operator algebra.
Speaker: Ananth Shankar (Northwestern University)
Speaker: Hewan Shemtaga (Auburn University)
Speaker: Deniz Genlik, "Kapranov degrees"
Coffee and tea in Altgeld 245 at 3:30pm. Talk starts at 4pm.
Speaker: Maya Mincheva (Northern Illinois University)
This is the weekly Quantum Working Group Seminar covering topics in quantum information theory and operator algebra.
Speaker: Lee DeVille (UIUC)
Speaker: Lena Ji, "Good moduli spaces for boundary polarized Calabi-Yau surface pairs"
Coffee and tea in Altgeld 245 at 3:30pm. Talk starts at 4pm.
Speaker: Stefano Allesina (University of Chicago)