OVCDEI – Events


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  • Publicity image for Centering Anti-Racism in the Paradigme of Pedagogy. Decorative tiles and curved geometric shapes in oranges and blues.
    • 4:00 pm

    Please join us for a lecture by the co-developers of the Racism Untaught workshops, as they discuss ways in which faculty can support an anti-racist classroom environment that will begin a sea-change at PWIs – showing the necessity and priority of anti-racism across all faculty’s pedagogical approaches.

  • Vibrant multicolor sun in overlapping watercolor brushstrokes. Illinois Interfaith Conference, February 25th and 26th, 2022.
    • All Day
      2/25/2022 - 2/26/2022

    The Illinois Interfaith Conference is a FREE opportunity for University of Illinois students and campus allies- as well as student leaders and professionals from across the Midwest- to join together to engage in critical questions about interfaith engagement on the college campus. Keynote by Reverend Jennifer Bailey, founder of Faith Matters Network.