Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


22 matches found

    • All Day
      2/14/2024 - 3/28/2024

    A period of growing in virtue particularly through fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. Catholics reflect on their need to be healed of sin (especially through the Sacrament of Confession), the sacrifice of Christ’s self-offering on the cross, and the anticipation of Easter. Multiple observances apply.

    • All Day
      3/1/2024 - 3/19/2024

    The last month in the Baha’i calendar, ‘Alá’ (Loftiness), is dedicated to the Baha’i Fast. During this time, Baha’is between 15 and 70 years of age do not eat or drink for 19 days from sunrise to sunset and set aside time for prayer and meditation. Begins at sunset of the first day and ends at sunset of the last day.

    • 3:00 pm   4:00 pm

    Diversity Advocates should complete this training. The topics include equal employment opportunity and affirmative action laws and regulations, why diversity matters, tools for inclusive recruitment practices, strategies to reduce bias in the search process, and a review of the Diversity Advocate role in the recruitment and hiring process. This event is offered virtually.

    • All Day

    Maha Shivratri is a Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva. The celebration involves all-night worship the night before, and fasting, payer, and vigil on the day of the festival. Some students or employees may request schedule adjustments in order to observe.

    • 1:00 pm

    • All Day
      3/10/2024 - 4/9/2024

    The ninth month of the Islamic calendar observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad. Some Muslim employees and students observing Ramadan may request schedule adjustments in order to observe. Your department may find that more employees require space or time for prayer during this period.

    • 7:00 am

    • All Day
      3/18/2024 - 5/4/2024

    In the Christian (Eastern) Orthodox Church, Great Lent marks the forty days leading to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The first day of Great Lent is called Clean Monday. Lent is a time for prayer, penance, good-will, fasting and drawing closer to God.

    • All Day
      3/19/2024 - 3/20/2024

    The Baha’i New Year’s Day coincides with the spring equinox. Naw-Rúz is an ancient Persian festival celebrating the “new day” and for Bahá'is, it marks the end of the annual 19-Day Fast and is one of the nine holy days of the year when work is suspended and children are exempted from attending school. Begins at sunset of the first day and ends at sunset of the last day.

    • 10:00 am   11:00 am

    Hiring Managers should complete this training. The topics include equal employment opportunity and affirmative action laws and regulations, why diversity matters, tools for inclusive recruitment practices, strategies to reduce bias in the search process, and a review of the Hiring Manager role in the recruitment and hiring process. This event is offered virtually.

    • All Day

    Spring Equinox - Conception, Regeneration, New Beginnings. Winter is now over, and light is increasing. The day and night are equal in length at the equinox, and Spring has arrived or is coming soon. Eostara is the time of fertility, birth, and renewal. The ice is thawing, and the growing season for plants and animals begins. Growth is the theme of the day.

    • All Day

    Fast of Esther. Often observed by fasting.

    • All Day
      3/23/2024 - 3/24/2024

    Purim celebrated in Jerusalem and walled cities. This observance begins at sundown of the first day and ends at sundown of the last day. Those observing Shushan Purim may do so by omitting the Tachanun prayer and having a more elaborate meal than on ordinary days.

    • All Day
      3/23/2024 - 3/24/2024

    Purim celebrates being saved from a genocide in ancient Persia. Observances include listening to the Book of Esther in synagogue, sending food parcels, giving to charity, and dressing up in costume and eating festive meals. This observance begins at sundown of the first day and ends at sundown of the last day.

    • All Day

    The Sunday before Easter which introduces Holy Week. In the Episcopal Church, services on this day feature the distinctive ceremonies of the blessing of palms and procession, representing Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem the week before the Resurrection, and the reading of the Passion Gospel from Saints Matthew, Mark, or Luke.

    • All Day

    Spring festival celebrated in India and Nepal, also known as the "festival of colours" or the "festival of love". Holi begins at sundown of the first day and ends at sundown of the last day. It is celebrated the night before with a Holika Bonfire and on the day of by spraying colors on others, dancing, partying and eating festival delicacies.

    • All Day

    Maundy Thursday is the traditional name for the Thursday preceding Easter. It remembers the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, his washing their feet, and the betrayal of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Episcopal Church observes this holy day with a service that features “rememorative” actions for worshippers to participate in the sacred narrative.

    • 2:00 pm   2:45 pm

    This training will provide an overview of the documentation needed to complete the Hire from Search form. The topics will include best practices around reasons for selection and non-selection; evaluation criteria and interview questions; applicant status and disposition codes. This event is offered virtually.

    • All Day

    The Friday before Easter. The Episcopal Church’s observance of this day of fasting and penitence features the Passion according to Saint John, and devotions before the cross. Other services held on Good Friday include The Stations of the Cross – which is a meditation on the last fourteen stations of Christ's Passion.

    • All Day

    The Proper Liturgy for Holy Saturday, held in the morning hours, commemorates the time that Christ spent in the tomb after his death and prior to the Resurrection.

    • All Day

    A service held in Episcopal Churches (and others) as the first official celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus on the evening of Holy Saturday. The service features the lighting of the new Paschal fire, a vigil of readings from the New Testament, Baptisms, and the celebration of the first Eucharist of Easter.

    • All Day

    The Feast of the Resurrection of Christ. It is the greatest and oldest feast of the Christian Church. The Episcopal Church celebrates the Eucharist with great solemnity on this most holy of feast days. In addition to Easter Day services, it is often observed with family gatherings.