Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
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Are you a supervisor or HR professional looking to learn more about the employee accommodation process? Join our Accessibility Specialists, M.T. Hudson and Doug Maxey, to learn about the Reasonable Accommodation Process, including who can request an accommodation, how OAE processes requests, and the role of supervisors and HR professionals in the interactive process.
Join M.T. Hudson and Heather Mihaly for an Accessibility & Accommodations Division Lunch & Learn event. This presentation will focus on non-visible disabilities, including common misconceptions, accommodations issues, and ways to create an inclusive environment for all employees. Human Resources professionals and supervisors across campus are welcomed to attend!
Join the Accessibility & Accommodations Division of the Office for Access & Equity for a discussion of the latest developments and emerging topics related to disabilities in the workplace, accommodation processes, and inclusive practices.