30 matches found
On view: “Making Place for the Arts at Home: Performance and Midcentury Modern Architecture,” featuring homes in Champaign-Urbana designed by Jack Baker, John Replinger, and A. Richard Williams. The museum is open Tuesday through Friday, 10–5; Saturday 10–4; and Thursday until 8 pm, when class is in session. Admission is always free. Parking access is easy during school br
Around April 1st, bibliophiles, book artists, and food lovers around the world gather to celebrate the book arts and the (literal!) ingestion of culture. Participants create an “edible book,” which can be inspired by a favorite tale, involve a pun on a famous title, or simply be in the shape of a book (or scroll, or tablet, etc).
Join Preservation Services for program history and highlights, refreshments, and exhibit viewing.
This event celebrates world poetry in translation. If you are interested in poetry in different languages, please consider attending the event.
The Library has several locations open to welcome admitted students. Stop by to learn more about the libraries at Illinois