Listening opportunites on campus
20 matches found
Graduate Student Workshop on Evaluation Design with Gender Focus: Lift gender-blindness in development evaluations. Friday, December 1st, 12 PM - 2:30 pm at 306 Coble Hall.
The Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar Series continues with Samantha Rubinstein, Cognitive Neuroimaging Lab. Rubinstein will present a lecture on her First Year Project titled, "Association Between Somatomotor Control and Structural Brain Measures in Aging."
Join us at noon on Wednesdays this fall for yoga with a view! All sessions are free and will be held in Beckman's fifth-floor tower room. All are welcome to bring their own mat!
Senior Research Scientist at the Applied Research Institute, Dr. Witmer will share her research on engineering design for non-industrial societies and on contextual process methodology, as well as her work on designing drinking-water systems.
Beckman Institute Interim Director Cathy Murphy will share updates about the director search, new faculty and staff, the evolution of Beckman working groups to communities, and more. If you have a question you'd like Director Murphy to answer, please submit it in advance via this form:
Join your colleagues this fall for informal conversation and coffee in the Beckman Center Atrium. This Gather in the Atrium Series will be from 10-10:30 a.m. every Tuesday.
Join us at noon on Wednesdays this fall for yoga with a view! All sessions are free and will be held in Beckman's fifth-floor tower room. All are welcome to bring their own mat!
Join your colleagues this fall for informal conversation and coffee in the Beckman Center Atrium. This Gather in the Atrium Series will be from 10-10:30 a.m. every Tuesday.
Join other members of the Beckman community for coffee and cookies in the Beckman Atrium. The Cookie Collab is scheduled for 3 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month.