Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)


5 matches found

    • 5:00 - 6:15 pm
    • Remote workshop via Zoom

    Teaching presence strongly impacts the way students build their knowledge in your course. In this session, you will learn how to strategically apply your teaching presence to the critical roles you have as a Teaching Assistant and gain insights from outstanding faculty here at Illinois.

    • 12:00 pm

    • 7:00 - 8:00 pm
    • Remote workshop via Zoom

    In this workshop, we'll investigate a model of motivation that can help you identify the kinds of things that might motivate your students. Once you are familiar with the model, you'll zoom in to your individual situation and identify more specific things you can do to get and keep your students motivated.

    • 11:30 am - 12:45 pm
    • Remote workshop via Zoom

    Digital literacy is the ability to apply IT and digital technology to find, understand, evaluate, communicate, and create information. Digital literacy skills are just as important as self-regulated learning behaviors. In this workshop you will develop strategies to promote digital literacy among your students for their learning in your course and beyond.

    • 10:00 - 11:00 am
    • Armory Building Room 182

    Calling all faculty and teaching assistants who are currently using or are interested in using alternative methods for grading (i.e. Labor based grading, Ungrading) in their courses. Join faculty members Kary Zarate (Education) and Clara Bosak-Schroeder (Classics) for an informal discussion about their assessment practices.