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Linguistics Seminar Series: Gyu-Ho Shin

Event Type
Department of Linguistics
LCLB Lucy Ellis Lounge
Oct 9, 2023   4:00 pm  
Gyu-Ho Shin
Originating Calendar
Linguistics Event Calendar

Join our Linguistics Seminar Series with a talk featuring Gyu-Ho Shin, a Professor from UIC, with research focus in language acquisition and computational linguistics. 

Talk Title: Computation-informed research in language science: focusing on language acquisition/development

Talk Abstract: In this talk, I present to what extent and in what ways computational approaches can be informative of pursuing language science research, with emphasis on the area of language acquisition and development. I specifically focus on the acquisition of Korean -- which is an understudied language in the field and is computationally challenging due to language-specific properties -- by monolingual children and adult second/foreign language learners. I share recent findings of my research projects in this line and discuss their possible implications on advancing our understanding of how linguistic knowledge (interfacing with cognitive-psychological factors) emerges, grows, and changes.
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