Campus International Events

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This calendar includes events from units or departments on campus that have an international or global focus.

Friday Forum + Conversation Café

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University YMCA, the Diversity & Social Justice Education, Center for Global Studies and many other great sponsors!
University YMCA Building
Feb 14, 2025   12:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Center for Global Studies: Cosponsored Events

The Center for Global Studies is proud of supporting this amazing program developed by the University YMCA, the Diversity & Social Justice Education, and many other great sponsors! The Friday Forum + Conversation Café is back and has a lot of great speakers lined up for the Spring 2025! Stay tuned and join us every week starting Friday, February 07th!

All presentations are open to the public and free on Fridays at 12 PM in Latzer Hall at the University YMCA.

2/7 - Inclusion for All of Society, Sean Garrick, Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

2/14 - Democratic Erosion and Women’s Political Power: Perspectives from Europe, Saskia Brechenmacher - Carnegie Fellow in Democracy, Conflict and Governance, with focuses on Gender and Civil Society

2/21 - Bridging Differences to Build a "Beloved Community," Allison Briscoe-Smith - University of California Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center & 2025 Illinois Interfaith Conference Keynote Speaker

2/28 - Breaking Chains, Building Communities: The Story of the AME Church, Rev. Terrance Thomas, Bethel AME Church

3/7 - Defending Immigrants under a Trump Administration: An Immigrant Advocate's Perspective, Diana Rashid, Berkeley Public Interest Law Fellow and Attorney, National Immigrant Justice Center, in conversation with current La Colectiva students,

3/28 - Plumas Negras by Juliette Carrillo, University of Illinois Department of Theater

4/4 - To Thy Happy Children of the Future: Divestment as Progress, Students for Environmental Concerns, in conversation with Jim Hinterlong, UYMCA Executive Director

4/11 - The Art of Recreating Transnational Solidarities Against Global Apartheids, Woman Life Freedom Collective and Humane Urbanisms Project

4/18 - Stories From Her Work as a Tribal Attorney, Land Defender and Founder of the Giniw Collective, Tara Houska, Tribal Attorney and Founder of the Giniw Collective

The Center for Global Studies is a National Resource Center funded through United States Department of Education Title VI grants. 

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