Campus International Events

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This calendar includes events from units or departments on campus that have an international or global focus.

Winter Break 23-24

Deadline: Ecology, Culture, & Environmental Sustainability in the Yucatán Peninsula (Winter Break 24-25)

Event Type
ACES Study Abroad
Jun 15, 2024   All Day
Originating Calendar
ACES Study Abroad

Learn more about the ecology of tropical forests and mangroves, the culture of the current and pre-European Mayan communities, and the sustainability of the environment and culture in the Yucatan. The Yucatan Peninsula is an ideal location to introduce students to a broad range of real-world environmental and sustainability issues while gaining a deep understanding of the challenge of balancing short-term human needs with the long-term health of ecological systems. This program fills each year, so be sure to apply by June 15 if you are interested! 

Application Deadline: June 15, 2024 

Course: NRES 285 (2 credits) beginning in October 

Travel Dates: January 4 - 16, 2025 

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