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Skill-Building Workshop: Test Anxiety

Event Type
Counseling Center
Provided upon registration (Check email)
Sep 24, 2024   5:00 - 6:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Counseling Center Events

Many students find taking tests, completing assignments, and/or giving presentations very stressful. At times, this stress can be counterproductive and negatively impact performance. The American Test Anxieties Association estimates between 16 and 20% of college students have high anxiety when it comes to taking tests or performing well on assignments. Fortunately, there are ways to address anxiety so that you can do your best work. During the academic year, we offer drop-in Test Anxiety Workshops. These workshops are free for students, but space is limited, so we request that you register in advance by completingbrief form for the date you want to register.

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