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Dr. Vivek Goyal Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar

Event Type
Electrical and Computer Engineering
B02 CSL Auditorum & Zoom
Mar 4, 2024   10:00 - 11:00 am  
Dr. Vivek Goyal, Professor, Boston University
Angie Ellis
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Illinois ECE Calendar

Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar

Dr. Vivek Goyal

Professor and Associate Chair of Doctoral Programs, Boston University

Monday, March 4, 2024, 10:00-11:00 am

B02 CSL Auditorium or via Zoom

Title: Computational Imaging: Abstractions, Advances, and Aspirations

Abstract: Computational imaging is increasingly vital in many fields, revolutionizing how we capture, process, and interpret visual information.  In this talk, I will discuss my approach to computational imaging, which builds upon my background in signal processing foundations by emphasizing the use of simple mathematical abstractions to guide innovation.

The talk will highlight a few demonstrated systems with extreme capabilities: non-line-of-sight reconstructions based on ordinary photographs of fuzzy shadows; first-photon imaging, which achieves accurate depth and reflectivity estimation with only one detected photon per pixel; single-photon lidar that achieves 20x speedup by violating the "5% rule" for deadtime-effect avoidance by a factor of 100; and ion count-aided microscopy, which substantially eliminates the effect of source shot noise in secondary electron imaging.   I will also discuss how I plan to expand the scope of secondary electron imaging into a vector-valued modality, with the potential for super-resolving structure and improving the estimation of topography and material composition.

Vivek Goyal received a BSE in electrical engineering and a BS in mathematics from the University of Iowa. After MS and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from UC-Berkeley, he was a Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories, a Senior Research Engineer for Digital Fountain, and the Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at MIT. His research group spawned 3dim Tech, winner of the 2013 MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition Launch Contest Grand Prize, and he was consequently with Google/Alphabet Nest Labs 2014-2016.  He is now a Professor and Associate Chair of Doctoral Programs in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University.  Dr. Goyal is a Fellow of the AAAS, IEEE, and Optica, and he and his students have been awarded ten IEEE paper awards and eight thesis awards.  He is a co-author of Foundations of Signal Processing (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2014) and a co-recipient of a Frontiers of Science Award in Computational Optics for a paper in Science in 2018.

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