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Community Responsive Pedagogy Zine Showcase

Event Type
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Siebel Center for Design Gallery
Nov 3, 2023   12:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
College of Education Events

Join Middle Grades Education students at Siebel Center on Friday, November 3, for a showcase of their Zines Project. This project has students in the teaching methods courses investigate community-responsive pedagogy in respective subject areas. 

The students conduct a series of activities that allow them to learn about the communities of their students and identify the community's wealth of knowledge, resources, and movements related to expansive versions of the disciplinary subject area. U of I students also engage in pedagogical reflection about how they might engage their future students in this kind of activity. 

As part of this project, the students learned from Siebel Center staff about the history of Zines, a small self-published magazine, and how to construct them.

Our students then talked with their students, cooperating teachers, and school personnel to document ways the school community is engaged in community-responsive pedagogy and featured the results in the Zines.

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