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Why is sustainable mobility so hard? Some observations on the paths forward

Event Type
Department of Geography & GIS
Sep 23, 2022   3:00 pm  
Harvey J. Miller, The Ohio State University
This event is free and open to public
Originating Calendar
Geography and Geographic Information Science

Mobility is central to urbanity, and urbanity is central to our common future as the world's population crowds into urban areas. This is creating a global mobility crisis due to the unsustainability of our 20th century transportation systems for a crowded and connected world. We need to move beyond inflexible, unsustainable and brittle car-dominated mobility monocultures to flexible, sustainable and resilient mobility polycultures with a wide spectrum of integrated mobility options.  This transition is hard because mobility is complex, a wicked problem and a fundamental social dilemma. In this talk, I will discuss how we can leverage the urban data revolution to resolve these challenges. In particular, I will discuss the role of next generation urban observatory science that respects complexity, embraces uncertainty and conflicting values, facilitates urban experimentation and creates environments for collaboration and knowledge co-production.  I will identify the major scientific challenges, merits and broader impacts of the observatory approach to transportation and urban science. 

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