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European Union Supply Chains and Trade: Improving Worker Rights?

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UNC Center for European Studies; #JMintheUS Network; American University Transatlantic Policy Center; University of California Berkeley Institute of European Studies; University of Florida Center for European Studies; University of Illinois European Union Center; Virginia Tech Center for European Union, Transatlantic & Trans-European Space Studies
May 4, 2021   10:00 am - 12:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
European Union Center Events

How might international economic ties help to improve working conditions and human rights in Global South countries? This panel focuses on how the European Union, as well as its member governments, might use economic relations to shift firms’ and governments’ practices. Panelists will discuss the inclusion of labor-related conditions in preferential trade agreements as well as unilateral trade preference programs (the Generalized System of Preferences); as well as the possible use of due diligence and transparency legislation to address a range of issues, including forced labor, in global supply chains.

This lecture is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The event is co-sponsored by the #JMintheUS Network, the American University Transatlantic Policy Center, the University of California Berkeley Institute of European Studies, the University of Florida Center for European Studies, the University of Illinois European Union Center, and the Virginia Tech Center for European Union, Transatlantic & Trans-European Space Studies. It is organized by Professor Layna Mosley under the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence housed at the UNC Center for European Studies.

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