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Daily Mindfulness Drop In Workshops

Event Type
Counseling Center
wifi event
Dec 4, 2020   4:15 - 4:45 pm  
Originating Calendar
Counseling Center Events

In these times of uncertainty, many of us feel stressed, overwhelmed, and unfocused. One of the
best ways to process your emotions is through meditation. Beginning September 28, the Counseling
Center is offering online daily guided activities to help you master mindfulness!

Mindfulness Mondays: Practice guided meditation to increase your mindfulness skills and de-stress.
Intuitive Eating Tuesdays: Start making peace with food by engaging in grounding activities to be more aware in the process of eating.
Body Awareness Wednesdays: Engage in activities designed to help you reconnect to your physical body (grounding, muscle relaxation, and body scan).
Thoughtful Thursdays: Explore the link between your thoughts and actions and use this recognition to be more open to change.
Forget It Fridays: Focus on your breathing, identify potential challenges, and develop breathing skills to help you release anxiety.

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