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La Paz es "Ser Campesina": Women & Environmental Peacebuilding in Rural Colombia after FARC Demobilisation

Event Type
Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
306 Coble Hall
Oct 1, 2024   3:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
NRES Events

Part I of the series on Women Environmental Defenders and Climate Change in the Amazon

Dr. Luz Ángela Rodríguez
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia

Trained as an environmental economist, Dr. Rodriguez's current research focuses on the role of gender in environmental peacebuilding in post-conflict rural Colombia. She earned a Ph.D. in Environmental Policy from Duke University and a master's in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources from Universidad de Los Andes. She has extensive experience conducing research on collective action around natural resources in Colombia and Mexico. 

Organized by the College of ACES, the Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies (CLACS), the Women & Gender in Global Perspectives Program (WGGP), the Center for Global Studies (CGS), and the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

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