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ISTC Hybrid Seminar | Commercialization of Industrial Carbon Capture Technology @ Mitico

Event Type
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center
ISTC 131
wifi event
Mar 12, 2025   1:00 - 2:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Events

Abstract: Mitico has developed a breakthrough carbon capture technology that provides a scalable, low-energy, and cost-effective solution for reducing CO2 emissions. Emerging from the California Institute of Technology, their technology can capture over 95% of carbon dioxide from post-combustion sources such as gas-fired power plants, boilers, waste-to-energy, and biomass-to-energy facilities, enabling low to mid-level emitters to significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Recognized for its scalability and simplicity, Mitico’s innovation is seen as a key tool for accelerating global decarbonization efforts, particularly in hard-to-abate industries. This presentation will discuss Mitico's advancements in carbon capture and their role in reducing industrial emissions. 

Biography: Leopold Dobelle is the Chief Operating Officer and Co-founder of Mitico

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