Research Seminars @ Illinois

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Ryan O'Donnell

IQUIST Seminar | Siebel School Distinguished Lecture Series: Ryan O'Donnell, Carnegie Mellon University

Event Type
IQUIST | Siebel Center for Computer Science
2405 Siebel Center for Computer Science
wifi event
Feb 3, 2025   3:30 - 4:30 pm  
Ryan O'Donnell, Carnegie Mellon University
Stephanie Gilmore
Originating Calendar
IQUIST Seminar Series

 "Wake up babe, new probability just dropped"

 Abstract:  Do you love probability?  But are you sad that all the good stuff was done 100+ years ago?  Like, you'll never get to be Boole (1847) inventing the Union Bound, or Chebyshev (1867) inventing Chebyshev's Inequality, or Markov (1906) inventing Markov Chains?  

Well, good news!  Turns out that what you think of as The Laws Of Probability is just a subset of the *actual* laws that govern how random things happen in our universe.  So Boole and Chebyshev and Markov were just doing special cases; the *real* Union Bound and Chebyshev Inequality and theory of Markov Chains were worked out just over the last couple of decades.  I'll tell you about it, and maybe you can be the first to work out the general version of *your* favorite probability result.

(PS: this talk is about quantum computing.)

Based on joint works with: Ramgopal Venkateswaran; Robin Kothari; and, Scott Aaronson, Mohammad Bavarian, Toby Cubitt, Sabee Grewal, Giulio Gueltrini, and Marien Raat.

*Reception to follow outside of 2405 Siebel School for Computer Science

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